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12 November 2009

Exams r over...
For e past 1 month or so, I was busy muggin for exams. To speak e truth, I was more busy handling myself n doin reflections. I used to b a fan of reflections. Over time, I find e past to be too painful for me to bear to look any further. Hence, I put everythin to a stop. This stop was a long stop. Day after day, yr after yr, time jus went pass me without me realising how much I hav changed.

With the long haul n tons of reflections done, I am utterly shocked to see who I have turned into over time. Was e environment a factor of this change? Or plain excuses? No one noes. At this point in time, I wish to get back wat I hav lost thru time and e small little characteristics abt me which I used to b proud of.

I am trying.

Courageous & hardworking dun seems to be part of me anymore. A thief came n took them away. Trying to pick myself once again... Life...is an endless journey of learning abt urself. :)

~ { 3:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;

05 September 2009

Lessons In Life
I have alwaes been a believer of "things do happen for a reason". Trials and tribulations in life are to make us stronger. The exact same trial comes round again when you fail to achieve a passing grade e previous time. As for me, I failed 3-4 times for one of the trials. I failed terribly in not understanding e essence of the trial. This time round, I believe I have achieve a passing grade and understood the lesson learnt.

Shortly after tat trial, life took a turn for me. I tot I found great pple in my life. I started to enjoy life all over again. However, as e saying goes, "Life is never a bed of roses", everything started to go downhill once again. E people whom I deemed as 'great pple' din turn out to be as good as wat I tot. As I dug further, everything started to rot and e smell is unbearable.

Thru it all, I learnt a very valuable lesson. It dawn onto me as to why I might have offended people in e past and how to be a better person. On top of it, e most important lesson is to learn how to relax despite the stressful situation. Never be a spidey.

Also, I am pretty pleased with myself tat I am able to more n more cool-headed when I am in an argument wif the others. I might not have master the skill of doing so but I do see myself improving. It was said tat one will be more calm and 'cool' as he/she ages. One will also learn to take things in their stride and understand tat there will alwaes be people who dislike him/her. In any case, I am sastisfied wif myself being a better person. :)

Appearance VS Reality. This is one theme which I will alwaes remember from my secondary literature book, Merchant of Venice. Characters in the book depicts veri much of the reality that everyone is facing in their daily lives. Putting on a mask to face e others seems like a natural and right thing to do. Honesty and being real seems to have taken a back seat. Afterall, this society appreciates people who are nice regardless if it is genuine anot.

Lesson 1: Self respect. Never stop loving urself.

Lesson 2: Dun care abt wat others say. No amt of explaination will be able to clear ur name. As long as one feel at ease, he/she need not explain to the whole world.

~ { 5:49 AM }
reflections of you and me;

14 July 2009

Project Formation NOT done. It will be done tml. Seriously, tis is e part I dread most thruout a project. It is shittier than rushing for e deadline. Pple grouped themselves in all sort of ways. It is impossible to make everyone happy. So...u can onli try to make e majority happy. Oh wells... I reali hav no idea how things will evolve tomolo. Bless Me. Gonna fight a war tomolo...I HATE TAT.

~ { 7:49 PM }
reflections of you and me;

04 July 2009

Meet Up?
Life is rather peaceful. Oh wells...reali nothin to update!

Hmmm... Lets tok abt e last meetup I had wif my uni peeps. E gathering onli goes to show how odd we can be. Even with such a small grp, there seems to hav segregation among us! At e veri least, we both cant even be bothered to tok to each or acknowledge each other's pressence. Nice. United? Hard to be. We'll see wat happens when pple r gettin together to form a project grp. It would b an interesting show. How silly things can evolve n how pussy pple can get over minor issues.

Alrite, readers, r we meetin up??? My skool gonna start real soon!

~ { 12:19 AM }
reflections of you and me;

21 June 2009

Alrite, I heard my viewers protests. I am here to update again. Life is peaceful n calm but boring to the core. With another 2 more weeks, skool gonna start again. Oh god! I reali hate to head back to skool to face sum pple. It is hard to put behind sum stuff. My uni peeps, sumhow, jus seems like a bunch of pple whom I can never reali befren wif. I jus pray for a good project mates! I dun wanna b ^&)%^&*(($ over projects for e last 1.5yrs of my academic life. Bless me.

Being e super siao onz me, I took up tennis n finished attending e basic. Now, I am lookin forward to next set of lessons n I am goin to take up driving n swimmin lessons. I hope to finish learning wateva I hav been hopin to learn b4 I graduate. :)

As for tuition, I am still having 3 students. Hmmm...

Guess I will end here... No 'feel'... Not bloggin in e way I wish to...

See ya...

~ { 12:47 AM }
reflections of you and me;