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14 July 2009

Project Formation NOT done. It will be done tml. Seriously, tis is e part I dread most thruout a project. It is shittier than rushing for e deadline. Pple grouped themselves in all sort of ways. It is impossible to make everyone happy. So...u can onli try to make e majority happy. Oh wells... I reali hav no idea how things will evolve tomolo. Bless Me. Gonna fight a war tomolo...I HATE TAT.

~ { 7:49 PM }
reflections of you and me;

04 July 2009

Meet Up?
Life is rather peaceful. Oh wells...reali nothin to update!

Hmmm... Lets tok abt e last meetup I had wif my uni peeps. E gathering onli goes to show how odd we can be. Even with such a small grp, there seems to hav segregation among us! At e veri least, we both cant even be bothered to tok to each or acknowledge each other's pressence. Nice. United? Hard to be. We'll see wat happens when pple r gettin together to form a project grp. It would b an interesting show. How silly things can evolve n how pussy pple can get over minor issues.

Alrite, readers, r we meetin up??? My skool gonna start real soon!

~ { 12:19 AM }
reflections of you and me;