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28 March 2009

I am truly disgusted by wats goin on. Fake!!! It onli makes human r/s more complicated than ever. Perhaps, for a person like me who seeks for e truth, I am better off not livin on this earth. Afterall, I wont b able to 'blend' into their ever 'for show' acts. They r truly talented actors n actresses in my life. :) *claps* E sad truth is I am being too real for my own good. How ironic.

On a side note, it never fails to amaze me how generous one can get to see e guy u once interested being together wif ur fren n not ya. To b exact, it is blissfully in love. Can love b ever so big hearted? Or love is ever so selfish in itself? Life is onli interesting to see e live drama happening ard me n how bimbos bitch among themselves n @ each other. Oh wells... Life's reali a bitch!

Weeks has passed n I failed 1 of my modules test. I reali need a tight slap across my face for being over confident. However, tat din not spur me on to work harder for my exams! Wats wrong wif me? I need an awakening call! *nudge Joo* Kindly scold me when we meet up! Veri much appreciated.

Off to rest n get ready for early lect tomolo morning...yeah...a SAT MORNING. Boo...

~ { 1:25 AM }
reflections of you and me;

03 March 2009

Lost & Found
Finally, I am back for a proper post. Lots of things hav taken place. As usual, I went thru e ups n downs. Tears were shed...smiles were long gone wif e wind. Apart frm e many unhappy evets, e onli glad thing is I hav found e ans to e qn which has been makin me feel so puzzled for months. Since I hav found e ans, it is reali time to move on. Honestly speakin, I hav not been happy for e past 3 months. E zest in me for my studies went missing n e confidence in me played hide n seek wif me.

E empty laughters r deafening. E louder it is, e more empty it feels. I tried hard to cover those tracks. I pray hard tat no one will tear tat thin layer of cover. It feels raw inside.

Politics is madness when e grp has more than 3 gals. 5 might live in harmony but definately not wif 6. I am e no.6. Fake smiles, fake kindness...all jus for a show. Why cant pple jus treat each other wif genuine care n concern? Y fake it? Does it reali make one look better? Beats me...

Off to revise for my last test. Bless me.

I was right.
U were running away...
Care n concern...
Gone wif e wind...
"U werent being urself...tats y I leave u alone"
Jus a plain good excuse on ur part.

~ { 11:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;