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30 April 2008

Back 2 Square 1
I am back to square 1. I was only told on yesterdae tat my last dae would b tomolo. Shock n upset. I knew such a dae would arrive sooner or later. However, I din expect it to b so soon. 2 months. When things r jus starting to kick off, tis hav to take place. I could find no one to pour my sorrows to. Cousin is enjoying her China trip sumwhere in Shanghai. All I could do was to bottom it up myself. As e time tickles away, I see e end movin closer to me. I never wanna reach e end.

As of now, I can only pray tat e "event" will take place as planned for tomolo. It is sumting I hav been craving for weeks! Pls... Jus give ONE precious chance!

I will b back on a job hunt asap. I would need $$ to get me by for e next 2 months and e "big plan" I had planned requires quite a huge sum of $$ too! E scent of financial crisis is in e air...

~ { 12:52 AM }
reflections of you and me;

20 April 2008

I have caged myself up. I dun feel "free" anymore. Wats freedom? Freedom of tots? Tots of wat had happened had flooded my brain... Tots of my next step r constantly pesterin me...

It has been yrs ever since I hav tis feelin. E fast heartbeat...so fast n loud tat u can feel it poundin front n back against ur ribs cage. It onli takes a tot to get tis feeling. Goodness. It jus sounds so scary to me. It is even more scary to know tat I am losing myself @ e flick of my fingers. I cant recall wat I see. I am veri sure I was lookin @ elsewhere. I could onli remember wat was conversed.

I see e need to free myself...
I had never wanna it so badly...
For once, I wanna give it a shot...
Y r u so special?
Angels... Tell me if I shld...
I onli listen to u... :)

~ { 1:09 AM }
reflections of you and me;

18 April 2008

A Peek Into My Life
I would do a quick update of my current life.My life is veri much as per normal. I am still holding onto the temp job. On top of tat, I am also giving tuition to 2 students. Currently, I am struggling hard to balance my working life n my personal life. I am pretty occupied during e weekdaes. 3 out of 5 workin daes, I hav to work 'OT'. I only get to reach home at abt 9 or 10pm. I hav no idea wat is e thing tat is pushin me on. Money? I wouldnt sae so. Due to e limited personal time I hav for myself, I hardly get to enjoy my 'fruits of labour'. Come to tink of it, I believe it is e sastisfaction tat I managed to derive frm tis sardine-packed schedule of mine. Working can also b a joy when u do not hav any spare time to tink of other things. I love tis feeling. Simply bcos I hate to tink of pple n e many "wat if"s in my life. I alwaes hav tis desire to live in e moment. Lookin @ how my life is as of now, I feel tat I am living in e moment.

11 Apr is another dae to be remembered. I was secretly hoping in my heart tat time would freeze @ tat moment. Or...vehicle breakdown? Wateva it is, it was a memorable dae. :) Short n sweet.

Note 2 myself: 17 Apr... "No one 2 accompany during morning break." :)

~ { 1:32 AM }
reflections of you and me;

07 April 2008

Double Dosage
E week tat jus passed was a wonderful one. 3 Apr was a dae to b remembered. I hav not felt so happy for a long time. I met my angel on tat fateful dae. I believe tat he is an angel sent frm above. He works as an Event Manager in an Event Co. E veri reason why I would sae he is my angel is bcos I wanted to go into Event Management. Tat would probably explains why I decided to apply for a Marketing Degree in SIM. I did my research to find out more abt which courses would b more relevant to Events. Marketing n Biz would be e closest. Heres wat exactly happened on tat dae:

I left my student's house @ 9pm. E tireness frm e long hours of workin got better of me. As my brain was half-dead by then, I hastily pressed e button to wait for e lift. Eventually, e lift came to 21st floor. I walked into e lift n realised tat e lift was goin up. Irritated n feelin lazy, I decided to follow e lift. I was cursing away as it took me to 39th floor. E door opened n I saw 2 man walked into e lift. It was such a coincidence tat I bumped into my ex colleague frm attachment in e lift n my ex colleagues' fren. My ex colleague invited me to join him n my other ex colleagues for a drink. I accepted his invitation n went to the nearby food court for a drink. We were chattin abt wat my plans r for the upcomin months. I told them tat I plan to study Marketing in e hope to get myself into e Events Industry. To my surprise, they told me tat their fren whom I failed to recall if he was frm SP is an Event Manager! He told me to leave my hp no. with him. I was on cloud 9 when I heard tat. I really hope tat he would b able to recommend me sum "lobang" in time to come. :)

Another great thing took placed on Thurs. A colleague of mine invited me to join him for tea break. My eye candy was sitting with him too! Finally, I get to hold a proper conversation with him! :)

Tats all for now... I gotta get sum beauty sleep. :)

~ { 1:20 AM }
reflections of you and me;

02 April 2008

Nothing spectacular hav taken place for e past few daes. I am still on a look out for opportunites to break e ice. I am prayin for Heaven 2 give me an opportunity. I understand tat on my part, I hav 2 b brave enoff to make e first move. I will do wateva tat is necessary. When will e time come? Will I get to "taste" tat "candy" of mine? Do stay tune to find out! :)

~ { 12:36 AM }
reflections of you and me;