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27 February 2008

Gotten a Clearer View
Went out wif e gang of my frens again. Never fails to b funny n happy. :) Thanks for tat. Was recountin wat happened to JY. Sorry for being e TALKATIVE one again. Cos I jus hate silence moments. As I went on n on n on, sumhow I managed to get a clearer view of e situation. I was tinkin abt it as I was travellin home after I left JY.

I guess many would sae loving sumone depends on his/her character. To me, it is pure bullshit. When u do reali fall for one, e character, looks, height n etc etc does not seems to matter anymore. Most probably sum will use "Aiyah...who dun hav flaws?" as a simple reason to brush off e fact tat he/she isnt a good person or he/she does not meet e criteria u hav set. Sum would sae fallin in love...gettin into a relationship depends alot more on feelings...chemistry... Its not realli abt criterias n wat so eva tat u hav set. Even if a million pple told u tat he isnt gd. Would u listen? Wat would u sae?

I would sae...feelings...chemistry...n e fact tat he either reciprocate ur "special feelings" for him or @ e veri least hav good interest for u r e impt things to consider. I would never sae age, height, looks, character or wateva other criterias r impt to me. Cos I hav crushes in e past tat prove tat height, looks, age n character were never e issue. I still dive into e bottomless pit. I hav ever like sumone who is much much older than me...sumone wif below average looks....sumone who is much much taller than me...sumone who isnt of a good character calibre. So wat? After emphasizing so much on these, I hav come to a conclusion tat I am goin to move on. (yeah yeah...I see many pple smiling n sayin "OH FINALLY! U hav straightened out ur tinking!")

Many pple hav told me tat I would find a better one. But who can guarantee tat? Theres no guarantee in tis world. But e fact tat I am moving on is bcos he isnt reciprocating my feelings for him. Tats e major reason. Feelings...I wouldnt sae I din hav for him. If not, I would not feel like cryin as I was tellin e story to JY. But being prideful me who hates to shed a tear in front of anyone, I tried to swallow it. Chemistry...I guess we lost it. No longer tat chemistry. Sumhow sumting jus feel different now. Good interest for me? As a fren, I would sae he did hav e best interest for me in e past. For now, I cant b sure. Readin wat I hav jus written, theres nothin much left to make it possible. Probably, I hav jus missed my bus. I will jus wait for e next bus. Frens...we will b. Since he din sae he din me wanna me tis fren. I would still wanna keep tis frenship. Cos I hate frenships to end jus simply bcos either party hav special feelings for e other.

So so so...
My objective for e comin weeks ahead:
  1. Get a job asap to save e hole in my pocket. I noe I keep sayin tat todae. :P Cant help it. Hope $$$ will roll in soon! HUAT AH~!
  2. Expand my social circle.

Tats all for now.

~ { 1:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

23 February 2008

I am an Impatient Person
I guess I am an impatient person. I cant stand e tot of waitin. Esp. when I dunno wat I am waitin for. It is like eternity! I dun see an end to it. Goodness. Its a horrible feelin. I gave up once bcos of tis. Oso partly due to e fact tat I am not confident of myself. Tis time, I guess it would e same again. I regret not waitin e other time. I wonder wat it would b for tis time. Let time do e tokin again. Sick of waiting. Sick of being proactive and being sumone whom I am not. I am definately not tat 'loud' as many hav tot me to b. I do hav my own quiet times. It is jus tat I dislike to display tat side of me. Tat emotional + helpless side. It onli makes feel like a weakling which I hate to tink tat I am one. I jus dun wanna anyone to see tat side of me.

I guess it is karma. It is time to make me feel tis way. Since I hav done tis to sumone way back in time. Well done. Karma is knockin on my door. I hav learnt my lesson n shall repend on it.

Hav u ever wonder y there r sum frenships which never seems to b affected even when ur decided to progress beyond tat? I alwaes wonder. I hav seen too many couples broke up n ended up like strangers when they met again. I feel sad for them. Afterall, e other party used to b sumone who understands u best. Yet, @ tis point in time, he / she seems so distant like ur never knew each other @ all n e situation jus seems so awkward. I jus simply dun understand y e both of us can still b frens even after wat I hav done. Its miraculous to me. Although we din progress beyond, I alwaes tot tat we can never b frens again. I feel terrible each time I tot of wat I hav done. It eats into me. I noe I hav done sumting pretty terrible. However, I din regret my decision. In fact, I feel tat if I had made e other choice, I might b regrettin now as I feel tat we wont last. I am jus glad tat we r still frens. I feel apologetic over wat had happened. I hav no idea if we would feel awkward if we do meet up as we hav not met ever since wat had happened. How can anyone still console me after wat I had done onto him / her? Its jus makes me even more terrible. I hope we can maintain tis way. I enjoy wat it is like rite now.

Lookin @ e other frenship, it seems similar to e previous one. But...theres more intimacy in e past as compared to e previous one. However, look @ us now. We r like strangers. I feel e awkwardness even jus tokin on msn. I can feel tat I am e onli one tryin to get e conversation on going. Y? I alwaes ask myself. Y cant we jus b like e previous one? Still mantain frens. Afterall, e role is being switched ard. Or mayb we hurt each other. First, I was e one being hurt. Then, e position got switched. Will time help to mend tis frenship or bring a further gap between us? Let fate decide for us. I am tired of it. Afterall, it takes 2 hands to make a clap. I reali wish 2 b able to keep it goin even if it is jus a tiny bit.

Last of all, I wonder y I hav e urge to meet sum frens in person. Yet, for e others, its like it is perfectly fine even if I dun get to meet them. Is it bcos I dun treasure them as much? Hence, e fact tat we dun meet is okie? I dunno. There is one in particular. I tot I would realli wanna meet up. But...come to tink of it, nope. I dun realli wish to. Its pure weirdness to go out for jus e 2 of us. Dunno wat to sae, dunno wat to do. I bet e other party feels e same too.

In conclusion, I feel tat I dun reali understand guys afterall. They r jus weird creatures livin on e same piece of island as I do. Yet, I hav to work wif these creatures. Even better still, I actually like one outta e many creatures ard. Mayb bcos of e fact tat I dun understand them well, hence it is intriguing to like one n try to understand them. Wat a weird theory. Haha...

~ { 2:43 AM }
reflections of you and me;

18 February 2008

Jus a short update of my life. Got an interview in e next 11hrs time. Hee...wish me luck. Other than tis, nothin much to update. Life has been pretty much e same. Jus tat I am gettin sum great buys here n there. Makin me super sastisfied n happy.

Ever heard of e brand "Daniel Yam"? Urs truly manage to get hold of 2 dresses @ $58 in total! Yupz! U din read wrongly okie! I was damn shocked when I saw e sale! I was so damn happy lah. JY can b my witness. Hee...cos we went on a date mah. Jealous?! *giggles* I shall not reveal e details here. :P

Other than tat...gotten myself sum other stuff here n there. Absolutely love e tot of shoppin. I cant help spendin. On top of tat, I hav been real vain. I mean it. I hav gotten like god noes how many stuff for tis face of mine. E products n time I spend on my face is gettin outta hand. Daily regime seems takin yrs. I increase e no. of things I would usually do. I cant help it as I look @ pple ard me (same age as me) dollin themselves up n lookin after their skin. (while I jus slack ard n let tat layer of meat on my face rot) I feel horrible abt it...lookin close w/o makeup is eeeks. So...I decided to throw in $$$ n make it better. :)

As I become more n more hardworkin, (even though no one praise me for tat but I can see it myself!) in terms of my skincare n makin sure my room dun look like a pasa malam so soon, I feel a sense of sastisfaction which is jus so shiok. Dunno how to put it into words. I am happy abt myself. I am jus damn thick-skinned.

Life goes on...
I am glad. :)
Bcos of wat had happened.
Short but yet meant e world to me.

~ { 1:21 AM }
reflections of you and me;

13 February 2008

Jus a short update of my life. Life is pretty much e same. Jus tat I hav taken up a part time tuition job. I am givin my first lesson tomolo. Yeah...e same old student again. They contacted me again to get me to teach their younger daughter. Hee... Pretty glad tat I hav sumting to do n $$$ will b visitin me soon. Like...finally!

Aniwae...other than tat, I am spending sum time to set up sumting. As to wat it is, I will keep it as a secret for e time being. :P I need more $$$ to churn even more $$$.

Applyin for Uni seems scary for me as I hav no idea if I will get in. I am fearful of e disappointments. In fact, I dun mind SMU. Jus not SIM pls! I am sick of e food n e smell of e canteen. I am sick of tat area.

I hav said tis to myself many many times. I hav lost count e no of times I told myself tat. Its jus tat I lost control of myself n forgot tat tot recently. Hence, I landed myself in tis messy state. Now tat I hav found myself back, I feel tat I will sae e same thing to myself AGAIN. Its not a way of sayin I give up. Not sayin tat e idea is not attractive enoff to make me pursue till e end. Its jus another way of makin things easier for everyone. Wat for make things so difficult everyone when I can jus take a step back to where I belong n everythin will b fine? I am goin back to where I belong. Take care.

~ { 12:12 AM }
reflections of you and me;

03 February 2008

I Tried...
I tried lookin forward. I realli tried. I do not noe wat to look forward to. Look forward e nexttime I will meet him again?! Look forward to e time I feel enthu abt my life all over again? I practically hav no targets for my life rite now. E onli thing I can hope on is my entry to Uni. But sumhow, I dun wish to go to SIM. Many told me tat I can get in there. Cos I never wanna b near NP. At least for e time being. E pain still lingers inside me. Thousands of memories flooded me. I am so tired. I wish I could jus go on gettin myself so busy. I wanna myself to hav no time to sit down ponder wats needed outta me.


~ { 3:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

02 February 2008

Diff Pple, Dff Advice
Pardon me for e frequent update. I guess if I do get a job soon. I realli hope it is soon. I wont b updating tis space as much anymore. Havin one tot on my mind, a fren once told me tat it is plus point n it is oso e same virtue in me tat will hurt me eventually. I agree wif him as I kinda see wat he means. Mayb I shld do sum changes. For e time being, pardon me for being secretive. I jus need time to sort things out. :) I will b as per normal...as irritating...but not so cooperative in my own ways.

Different pple give me diff advices. Mostly tell me to move on. One gave an interestin explaination. His advice is an open-ended advice. I got to make e decision myself. I guess based on his explaination, (it does makes sense...but rather interestin in its own way) I will do wat I did in e past. Jus move away quietly. I did it once...I believe I can do it e 2nd time. It shld b easier tis time...I hope so.

郭富城: 我是不是该安静的走开
作曲:陈秀男 作词:张方露



Damn old song by Aaron Kwok. But tis song perfectly describe my feelings @ tis pt in time.

~ { 1:12 AM }
reflections of you and me;