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13 October 2007

Lookin thru those old entries of my old blog... Lookin @ my past... I realli miss sum stuff. Regret many other stuffs. I miss tis particular fren of mine. Had e urge to meet up but finds no courage to make e call. I never hav tis urge b4. Even if I hav, it is never so strong. I did regret losing tis fren...but e feelin was never so bad.

Call? Dun call? Call? Dun call? Call? Dun call? *plucks petals* If I call...wat shld I say? How r u? It realli sadden me tat we hav come 2 a stage whereby we do not anythin much left to tok abt. How did things turn out tis way? I noe I play a huge part of this. Most of e times...I am @ fault.

Feelin all messed up.

~ { 10:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;