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17 September 2007

Short Update Of My Life
Jus a short update of my current life. Wont sae tat workin is tat bad. At e veri least...I am not draggin my feet to work. I dun feel depressed cos I need to work tomolo. Instead...I jus take it as a part of my life. A procedure tat I will do daily. Not so much of "Drats...tis sux" feeling. :) Finally life feels more bearable. I love e way it is now. Though I do not hav e luxury of wat pple hav...a great n comfortable workin environment, a loving bf who will pamper her... I hav a grp of colleagues who makes me laff now n then...a grp of colleagues to hav lunch wif...a grp of family members who shares my joy... With these, I feel tat life itself is jus sufficient for me. Time to look further...time to plan wat I wanna in e daes ahead.

Jus in case anyone who dunno...I am workin @ TUAS. At a waste management co. Works for 5.5 daes on alt weeks. Yeah...u might b tinkin "OH...tat SUX!" I tot so too. But I dun feel grumpy. I do feel sian...cos Fri cant b out late. How strange isnt it. Haha...

Wat else? Hmmm... Meetin sumone on Tues. Oh well...being real long since we last met n sit down n tok as frens. Several stuff happened between us a few yrs back. Changes took place w/o us knowing it? I guess. Feels so diff when I tok to him again tat dae. I wondered, y cant we tok like tis back then? Wats e differentiating factor? If we were like tis, would we turn out differently? Would e outcome be better than wat it is now? Sumtimes, I realli wonder wat could hav happened if I din sae wat I did @ e pizza hut tat fateful dae. Oh well...I believe things turn out tis way is for our good. Both his n mine. :) I hope we wont feel awkward. Sumhow, I kinda see y things turn out tis way. We realli can b frens onli.

Alrite....time to sleep. Class 95 is makin me feel so gloomy. SO much memories floodin me... :( Wishin all e best to everyone who reads my blog. Hopefully u r feelin great abt ur life too! *smilez!*

~ { 12:48 AM }
reflections of you and me;