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19 August 2007

I hope I can get a job soon. I hope I can get e job...sort of my dream job. Cos it comprises of R & D, simple lab testing and abit of procurement! Haha...I am veri greedy. I wanna a job which allows me to do procurement and research! I mean such a job wont exist. Cos lab and procurement dun mix. I wanna b a researcher since several yrs back. But I din manage to fufill tat dream of mine. So...tis job allows me to find out more abt myself. Whether anot I am more suitable for procurement or lab. Although it is a 6 months contract, I realli hope I can learn sum stuff out of it. I hope I will offered the job. PLS...if not, I will b quite disappointed. I tink tat interview was e best interview I hav done so far. :)

I reali hope I can get e job! In this way, I would b able to lunch wif JY! Cos it is near her skool. Heehee... Crazy n Cutie, DUN b jealous of me hor! :P Haha... I am realli glad tat JY still does keep in contact wif me. Jus went blog hopping n found out sumting pretty saddening. Haiz... Frens come n go...who will eventually stay by my side n accompany in this journey called 'Life'? Thanks JY! I realli appreciate it! Lets meet up soon! Once I get a job...then we find a dae...now no $$! ;P

Jus found out tat he had shifted. His house...e condo was goin to b demolished...then I realised tat they had moved. Sigh. No need to tink tat I might hav a chance to bump into him @ Clementi when he is back. Cos he will b @ another part of Singapore which I will not frequent.

Goin off to watch movie...heehee. Will update again when there is more interestin things goin on in my life.

~ { 12:54 AM }
reflections of you and me;