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27 July 2007

End of My Torture
I am quitting on e comin Mondae. I alwaes dread abt Mondaes. Tis comin Mondae is a diff one. I am actually lookin forward to it. I believe it will oso b e onli Mondae which I will look forward to. I cant take it anymore. I noe I hav complained abt my job for god noes how many times liao. Eventually came to a decision to quit while I was msn-ing wif YW. She told me tat if I wanna quit, do it fast. Cos if I drag it longer...e harder it is for me to quit. Tats true! Tats wat sparks off e quittin feelin in me. She has alwaes been sumone who can makes me get a clearer picture of my current situation. Sumone who helps me in my tinkin. Jus like an older sis. :P Though we r of e same age. How much I wish she is a guy! DAMN IT! She has everythin I wanna in a guy in terms of tinkin...character...chemistry. (chemistry as in e chemistry between us as frens)

Yupz...cutie u r rite. I am lazy to blog. It has been raining in Singapore for e past 1 week. Makin e weather such a nice one to b cuddling in bed. Heehee... So...here I am on a job hunt once again. Sigh. Job hunting is a sickening process...u will understand it when it is ur turn.

Left alone while my cousin went out wif her buddy. Oh well...I hav alwaes envy her. E fact tat she has a buddy who is a guy n likes to jio her out in e nite. They r jus bored...so got each other to pass time. Haha... I love to la kopi in e nite. To put it plainly, jus to sit down @ one corner of tis earth n chit chat wif a fren. Sumone whom I can realli share my life wif. Obviously...if it is a guy, it would b real good as he can share wif me frm his guy's point of view on my issue. But...sad to sae...I dun even hav one fren who does tat. Needless to mention whether e person is a guy or gal. But then again, even if I hav such a fren, I might not b able to go out when e person jio me. *roll eyes* Darn it! Cos my parents would yata yata abt tis lah...abt tat lah. I seriously hate tis. As much as I TRY to OBEY...I realli hope tat they can look @ tis in a diff manner. Wat can happen when u r jus sittin down n tokin??? Haiz...I reali dun wanna start a war over tis. I noe they r concerned. I noe I noe. But tat does not mean tat I shld alwaes listen. Theres bound to b a dae I got to learn to b more independent n run my own life. I reali love e peacefulness I hav in my life rite now. I noe I hav sae tis a million times oso. Haha... Yet, I reali yearn for tat too. Cos to me, startin a war seems like a childish thing to do. Its jus like a kid who is not given a sweet and throwin his tantrums ard. I am 20 tis yr! I wanna handle it in a more mature manner. But I do not noe how to go abt it. Tried hinting...tried tokin...seems fruitless.

Alrite...let off sum steam liao. :P *proof* Sumhow, I feel tat life is pretty amazing. It has its own way to make us learn things n appreciate things. I hav been tellin myself tis...e horrible colleagues I hav met in my current job is to make me appreciate e colleagues whom I am goin to meet in my next job. It is oso to make me treasure e colleagues whom I am goin to meet. Learn to treasure wat u hav now...tis is one thing tat everyone loves to sae it. But how many is able to do so?! I noe I am not doin it in all aspects of my life.

Life has been realli BORING! My social life has been like a plain piece of white paper. Nothin. Absolutely nothin. Seeing e same pple each week...all my family members n relatives. Hav not met up wif any frens. Seems frenless. :( Mon to Fri...I will go to work then go home after knockin off. Fridaes...I will go to my aunt house. Spend my weekends there...then comes Mondae again. There goes e routine once again. Sounds absolutely boring??? I tink it is for me. DAMN BORING. I need to change tis routine. I definately need to do sumting abt it. I will look into tis once I get my next job. Now is jus not e time. Alrite...will stop here. Till then...see ya!

~ { 11:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

13 July 2007

Here I am bloggin again... I am gettin REAL lazy to blog. :P On MC todae. HAHA...in fact, since yesterdae afternoon. MC-ed for 1.5 days. *stretch out my arms 2 welcome weekends* :D Life seems better now? Oh well...I guess its part of gettin used to e changes. I am not a veri adaptable person...I guess. More n more ex-colleagues had left SP. But they r all e yucky ones. But u will never noe if e new ones r yucky anot. It takes time to show a person's true colours.

I dunno wat to blog. Workin is jus so sian. Nothin interestin enoff...jus do work n more work n more work. Wat else can I sae???

Will blog again when I hav more things to sae or GRUMBLE abt... :P See Ya!

~ { 12:21 PM }
reflections of you and me;

07 July 2007

Lots of tots went thru my mind. Sumhow...it feels as if I grew up alot more within tat few mins?! Seeing cutie left for aussie...sumhow makes me realli ponder. Is tis realli wat I wanna?! I could see e sadness on her face...would I b able to take e pain tat I hav to leave my love ones? Who r e pple whom I consider as love ones? Quite a few of them. (sorri...I cant help but keep lookin @ u! :P) Cos I noe I wont b seeing u for quite sum time. Oh well...sounds too mushy. Dun worry I am not a les. I was jus wonderin wat will I b feelin if I am u.

I dunno y. Everytime I send sumone off...in my heart, I hav 101 things to tell e person. But...sumhow, when e person is rite in front of me, I am speechless. I jus end up keep lookin @ e person...might even end up staring! :P I dun mean it. I jus dunno wat to sae...dunno y. E 101 things jus vanished into thin air. I kinda enjoy lookin @ e person...sounds crazy though. But sumhow, being able to b sittin bside e person observing him/her seems like a wonderful thing to me. I am oredi feelin contented with tis.

Though I realli hate to sae tis...cos I hate to praise cutie and make her feel great (haha...jus kiddin), I got to sae u r STRONG! I tink if I am e one leavin, I might hav cried my hearts out. @ least u din...(i dunno if u did after we left). Leavin for aussie to study is like a dream to me, sumhow, when I saw e sadness on cutie's face, reality hits me. As wat my love ones had said, I might not b able to handle it. Am I realli tat strong to venture e many many uncertainties upon reachin there?

I dunno y I ended up tearing. My tear glands r jus too mischievous. Like me. Haha... Signing off...

Esp for e both of ur...
Crazy n Cutie... Thanks so much for letting me join ur for FYP. Tats when our frenship all started. Studyin together for PCON...cursing over Patrick, TAT COW lecturer...cheating in test...workin hard for FYP...goin to bugis to get me to change one after e other (cosplay)...e birthdae celebrations...e endless naggin over my dressing which realli gave me nitemares! Its truly amazing we went thru so much within a short span of less than a yr? Lookin back...I realli enjoyed myself every single time I meet up wif ur. Though ur realli love to 'bully' or rather agitate me...I kinda got used to it. I alwaes wish tat tis 'bullying' will end one dae. Now tat ur r gone...I am missing it oredi. Sounds crazy though. Haha... Muz remember to update ur blog often...keep me informed. MUZ keep in touch hor! If not, I will bring a chopper on our next meet up! >.<

Best Regards...
Aunty Gan Cheong Spider

~ { 1:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;

05 July 2007

Oh well...was told to update. So...here I am. Jus had dinner wif cutie (tats wat she claims), jy, cutie's bf and ade. Cutie is FINALLY flyin off on FRI! YEAH!!! No lah...I dun mean it. I am jus kiddin. Sumtimes...realli like to see u jump @ me. (jus like how u like to do tat to me too!) It reali sux. A grp of 5 gals...+ 1 EXTRA guy. One by one flyin off. I noe tat tis does not meant tat we r no longer frens. But...one thing for sure, things will never b e same again. I was tinkin abt it...while I was on my way home alone. I noe every single one of us will b takin a diff route in life. Me will b workin...cutie will b studyin wif crazy and might end up being crazy oso. LOL. Cutie's bf will work hard in his NS. Ade will b waitin for e next intake. JY will b studyin oso. Life is so diff when u r workin. I am afraid I would lose touch in understandin their studyin world. Whereas for them, they would find it difficult to comprehend wat workin world is all abt. Sumhow...it feels as if tonite marks e beginning of a brand new excitin journey ahead of me. We all will b embarkin on a new journey...I will b alone. I noe ur will tell me...we r there. But it is a veri different feelin. No longer e same. It oso marks e dae which tis mutual understandin has come to an end. E tot of it jus got me emotional. JY...when I told u I was feelin emotional jus now, I realli was...wasnt jokin. I guess u tot tat I was jus kiddin.

Wat kind of changes will take when we all meet up once again? I dunno. Mayb...cutie will change her nick to b Crazy No. 2. Or...crazy twin sisters?! HAHA! JY bcome more n more cute?! :P Me...mayb still as naggy n more business 'feel'. (mayb not so much of da bao xiao bao liao) :P Ade...workin too? TAT extra...mayb more chao ta? I realli hope we can still chat like how we r doin rite now. Can we? I dunno. Let time do e talking. I realli treasure e kind of frenship now...unfortunately...there is alwaes an end to all things. Usually...good things seems to end fast. Tats bcos when u r enjoyin urself, u din realise how fast time flies.

I barely noe all of ur for 1+ yr...except Ade. I guess there is this thing ur never noe abt me. I hav never tell ur abt it too. I din hav many frens to begin wif. Or rather...frens tat actually last...they still keep in contact wif u kind. Too many come n go...I was tired of it. 2 b frank...I hav never realli treat anyone as fren. Or rather...I dunno how to go abt it. Dun realli noe how to express myself. Frens? Wats tat? Pple often define it as pple who stand wif u thru thick n thin. I went thru wif them...but they were never there when I needed one. My parents alwaes sae I am naive to believe in other pple. Tats y they never trust my frens. Which results in curfews n inability to go out as often. Not tat they dun trust me...jus tat they find it hard to trust my frens. Since they believe I not good @ judging a person's character. Trust? Ha! Wats tat? Sumhow...I got to noe ur. @ first...I tried to use my heart...to feel...to show wat deep within. Din noe tat was wat it takes to make a frenship work. Lookin @ how ur treat each other, I learn lessons of how to b a fren. I guess I did told JY tat I am thankful tat ur taught me how to b a fren to others. Oh well...I can onli sae tat I will try harder to learn how to b a good fren to others and learn how to express myself. Guess I am too shy n bothered by how pple tinks.

I guess I realli sux when it comes to tokin abt wat I feel deep down. It jus dun get out of my mouth. I would rather write. :( Sorri...though I noe sayin it out is way better. I guess I will stop here...late liao...I dun wanna end up cryin while I blog oso. :P Realli look forward to meet up wif every single one of ur soon!

~ { 12:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;