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30 March 2007

1st Job!
Woohoo! I found a job! Will b workin on 2 April...tis comin mon. I will b workin as a Purchasing Executive in ST Log. Hmm...I guess I will celebrate later when my pay comes in. $_$ Planned out my expenses liao...hopefully I can adhere to it. :) Now...hav sumting else in mind...heehee. Will announce when it is in place. :)

I hav many things which I wanna venture into. Hmm...got to tink thru n plan well. Well...one step @ a time...focus on my job first n see how I progress in these 6 months of probation. *pray I can get thru*

Alrite...time to sleep n rest well for tomolo. Gotta reach e HQ @ 9am for photo taking! See ya n stay tune on my blog!

PS: E frequency of new entries on tis blog is expecting to drop from 2 April onwards. :)

~ { 12:43 AM }
reflections of you and me;

26 March 2007

I Wanna Travel!
Ahh! I wanna go on a trip! Everyne ard me is goin on a trip! To make things worst...more n more pple I know r flyin to overseas to study. :( I realli wanna do tat too! *sob* $_$ Man...feel so desperate over $$! Sumhow...IF ONLY...MLM (multi-level marketing) is more humane, I would pick it up n work hard upon it! Lookin @ how fast n how much one can earn, it is enoff. Earning urself a sports car...@ a age of 20. Goodness! I can earn enoff to support myself to go overseas! $_$

Money money money...when r u comin to visit me?! Realli tempting...MLM...legalised in Singapore summore! I jus wanna $$$! Argh...off for lunch! See ya!

~ { 2:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

22 March 2007

I HATE Myself
Yup. I realli hate myself. I cant stand myself. I hate e fact tat I am alwaes LOSING MY STUFF! I jus lost my freakin ez-link card AGAIN! I jus lost my wallet on e 15 Feb. GRR! I haven even gotten a replacement for my wallet. I jus cant stand it anymore! Anyone has sum brilliant ideas to help tis CMI person over here?

I jus cant believe tat I can actually lose it jus like tat. Its amazing to me n to pple ard me. I realli hate myself. After so much reflection done e other dae...tis kind of sickenin thing can still happen! Proves to me tat e reflection din hav much impact on me. Can sumone b kind enoff to scold me? Sumone whom I will sit down n listen to wat he / she has to sae. Freakin frustrated wif myself. ARGH!

~ { 12:00 AM }
reflections of you and me;

16 March 2007

Self Reflection
It has been a long long time ever since I last did sumting like tis... I alwaes tell myself tat I will do a reflection soon...but in e end, I din do it afterall. Gonna b a realli long post... Reflecting on myself...wat I can improve n ways of helpin myself. Tis post is more for myself.


Sumtimes I wonder if I shld b more decisive in wat I wanna do. I guess being e child who is alwaes feaful of my parents dun work at all times. Afterall, my parents cant alwaes b there to help me make decision. So...wat r e contributing factors which led me to b so undecisive? I guess e tot of regret n e fear of makin a wrong decision r truly e ones which r holdin me back to make a firm decision on wat I wanna. Being fearful of my parents...e tot of them reprimanding me n e tot of being disobedient @ times reali put me off. I never wanna b disobedient. E tot of 'fighting' it out wif them jus put me off. Being fearful of my parents...u can sae it is a factor...but a small one...jus an excuse for myself. E biggest enemy is myself. I used to b sumone who will alwaes argue or fight for wat I wanna. But in recent yrs, I learn e importance of peace n harmony. I enjoy e peace I hav wif my family...I oso learn e importance of everyone who makes up my family. Everyone is impt... I never wanna to b back to the olden daes where 'cold war' is such a common thing tat goes on in my family. I guess age has realli caught up wif me.

Bottom Line: To learn to b more decisive n not fearful of makin mistakes. Admit n learn frm mistakes n never regret over e decision u hav made. Fight for wat u wanna.

Forgetful-ness. Tis is a terrible 'fren' who seems to b wif me all these yrs. Its time to chase him/her away. How shld go abt chasing tis fren of mine? Its reali tough qn. I wouldnt wanna to rely too much on my organiser. Wat if I lose it? I will b like a crippled man...unable to propel forward. Its not a solution which is able to help me solve my problem. Tat will bring abt another prob. Will keep in view for tis trait. :)

Bottom Line: Find a solution which will work for me on my forgetful-ness.

Another huge problem wif me is...irresponsible. Alwaes lose my stuff... Wat is e main factor? Lookin back on e most recent thing I hav lost, my wallet, I remember I was in a daze back then when I got off e bus. I was feelin horrible back then. I love to nap on e bus or even jus to let my tots wander. How can I prevent tis? Be more focus on wat I am doin. I hav a high tendency to let my mind wander while other parts of my body r working on sumting else. Tat put me pretty off guard on wat I am workin wif. So...things get slip out of my hand n I din realise it. Another thing, I hav a high tendency to rely on pple ard me. I got to learn how to b more responsible for my stuff. I cant rely on anyone.

Bottom Line: Focus! (even though I reali hate tis word...but I got 2 admit wat he sae is rite) Get rid off e mentality "Nevermind, its okie. I will b able to find sumone who can help me." Pick up "Wats gonna happen if no one is able to help? How can I help myself?"

Impulsive-ness & bad-temper. Sumting which I find no diffculty in identifyin it n to admit it. I alwaes find difficulty controllin tis bad-temper of mine. I am oso veri impulsive. I guess u can hardly see me in a 'cool' state. Get fed up easily. Tis...I realli dunno wat to do wif it. I got to learn to sit down n look @ situation b4 I jump to a conclusion. A colleague of mine told me tat a person cant handle greater responsibilities if he is unable to handle himself.

Bottom Line: In order to handle greater responsibilities, I got to learn to handle myself. Take a min to cool down n tink thru.

I learn to complaint less. But I noe I do still complaint alot more than other pple. :( Will put in more effort. JIA YOU! To conquer e fact tat I tend to complain, instead of complaining, waste no time n find a solution to e problem.

Bottom Line: Waste no time on complaining, finding a solution is more crucial.

I guess tats all for today. I believe there is more to come. I will continue another dae. :)

PS: I noe it is a super boring post. E main purpose of tis for my review. :)

~ { 12:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;