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23 January 2007

Uni or Work?
Currently still in office. Jus went to tok my manager. E topic jus explains wat is makin me so fed up. 2 yrs contract or University? Wat would u do if u were me? In e recent yrs, I am asked to make difficult decisions. Sumhow, everythin will jus fall in place. Not givin me much of a choice.

1) Given a job on contract for 2 yrs. E consequences is to pursue my degree @ a later time.
2) Sign up for uni admission. Given up e job.

~ { 7:00 PM }
reflections of you and me;

20 January 2007

Messed Up Life
Upon viewer's request, I am supposed to b bloggin other than WORK. But I hav to say tat WORK has bcome a great part of my life. I spent like almost 12 hrs in my office everydae? How to not tok abt work? Nothin left to tok abt. Cos by e time I knock off, it would b ard 6 or 7+pm. Then I will b so shag tat all I wanna do is to get home n sleep.

SO...in conclusion, I am goin to tok abt...WORK AGAIN! Sorri lah...I realli dunno wat ur wanna know oso. Do give me sum ideas or jus tell me wat ur r interested abt.

Work...has been horrible. Life is never like e same before. Expectations were set n they were not made known. However, u can sense it. E demand jus get higher n higher as e day goes by. U feel as if u can never quench e thirst of their demands. Life gets tougher when pple sees u as a threat, worried tat e higher management would prefer you over them. When plans were revealed, theres bound to hav pple unsastisfied with e arrangement. E worst is yet to b here.

Miscommunication has been a big problem. I feel like givin up. My determination n perseverance is depletin bit by bit. I am gettin so sick n feel so horrible @ work everydae. Goodness.

I made up my mind. I shall jus keep e relationship as co-worker relationship. Nothin more than tat...not even frenship. Cos it will hurt even more. I will keep my distance from now on.

~ { 2:14 AM }
reflections of you and me;