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24 December 2006

Dramatic Life
Tats how I feel abt my life now. Every week I experience dramatic changes in my office. I cant possibly pen them all down. It has been a long time ever since I blog.

I have extended my stay in SP. It has been extended from Feb to Aug. Cos e Uni next intake is in Aug. I dunno if I can enter Uni anot. Given my current results excludin my attachment results...I doubt so. :( So...most probably I will have to start workin. But...I plan to work for a few yrs n go on to fulfill a dream of mine. Since I noe I cant fulfill e other dream, I MUZ fulfill tis dream! *pls dun tell me I will b sian n give up e idea of studyin again once I start workin* Thanks.

Due to the extension of my stay, my manager decided to teach me more in depth with regards to e kind of things my colleagues r handlin. I am gonna learn wat purchasing is all abt after e Xmas holidaes. I am both excited n fearful. I am excited bcos I noe it would b a new challenge for me n I am gonna learn new things which is gonna benefit me even IF I leave tis company one dae. I am fearful cos I noe my manager is watchin over me on my performance. It is kinda of stressful n an honour to noe tat sumone is watchin over u. Isnt it? I noe my manager has BIG plans for me if I can perform well based on e task given to me on tis comin tues. He told I could stay on if I wanna...tats provided tat I din manage to enter a Uni. My plan was to get myself employed while I wait for Uni intake. If I cant get into a Uni, I will come out to work. IF I am gonna stay after Aug, he told me alot more stuff. *secret* To b frank, I was so stunned by wat he had told me. Cos it is realli BIG plan n IF I can perform well, I see a bright future. E future does not jus lies in SP but it can b extended elsewhere. Cos I am learning a skill...skills can b used elsewhere as long as u noe how to apply it.

So...now e question is...which one shld I aim for? Uni? Job? I dunno. I am fine wif both actually. I noe I got to forgo one. Both r jus as appealing to me. I hav decided to let nature takes its course. I promise myself tat no matter wat happens, I shall not grumble n be thankful tat it happen. On top of it, I shall believe tat wateva happens is to give me a better future. :)

I found tat havin a positive attitude is veri impt. Wat is even more impt is tis word --> SUPPORT! Support frm ur love ones is veri impt as it give e spur to push on no matter how terrible e situation might b. No matter how terrible e situation is, it is impt to hav tis thinkin...after all e terrible sutff, u will see a rainbow n u will b stronger! Hang in there! It is to prepare u for the worst! No doubt, to hav such an attitude is hard when things r not lookin good. Hence, a good support n understandin love ones ard u will help make things look better! I am thankful for e 2 impt pple in my life. I doubt I will b able to live on till now w/o them. They r... *I bet they noe who they r* Thanks for alwaes being there to hear me rant...be it personal problems, work problems, skool problems, family problems, e list jus goes on... Ur r alwaes there to support me...to remind me to hang in there thruout 19yrs of my life. :)

~ { 12:37 AM }
reflections of you and me;

09 December 2006

Goin Crazy
Goin crazy. I dreamt abt work. So much so tat I dunno wat I told my mum when she woke me up. I onli remember tellin her I am veri stressed. Cos I was tryin to solve the problem in my dream. I got confused as to whether this problem do realli happen in real life. Haiz...dun u tink I sound crazy?

Tough dae todae. Cos of a case...I din do any of my work. I was tryin to resolve e case e whole dae. Fight here n there wif diff pple. Argue wif vendor...argue wif dept head...argue wif quality. After tat...went on to check on delivery of certain raw material. Too many URGENT cases. Note e word I put in caps. Foreva I hav pple tellin me it is urgent. I got to handle so many pple todae. Diff issues summore. Drives me nuts. Was so tired by e end of e dae. Headache...

Okie...enoff of my complaining. I cant help but to complain. :P I noe I am complaining everydae. When e stress level is high, it gets me to be naggy n cranky. Tis IA student dun exactly do data entry onli...she does coordinating stuff and solving problems. In fact, she hardly does data entry. It is more of supportin e higher management on the projects and current issues.

Alrite...I am goin to hold a meeting soon. Yeah...u din read wrongly. I am organising a meeting. To thrash things out...answer queries. Gonna kena shot soon. Great.

Okie lah...enoff of e release of stress. Off I go to tink of ways to handle my stress n carry myself better @ work. See ya!

~ { 1:24 AM }
reflections of you and me;

06 December 2006

I reali dunno wat my supervisors wanna. One is nice when we r not tokin abt work. But...he is horrible when it is regardin work. Issit bcos he has veri high expectations of me? I dunno. I realli cant stand e way he questions me. E other one...throws e file on e table. Tryin hard to show pple ard how pissed she is wif me. Claims tat she is not goin to give me work anymore...scolded me. In e end? Still gave me work loh! PUI! I realli hav e urge to tell my manager abt e 2 weird pple.

As much as I try to b positive in my attitude towards my work, I find it gettin harder n harder to achieve it. Not tat I dun wanna b positive, e fact is gettin reprimanded everydae reali make me feel damn demoralised n irritated. I get one everydae on a general basis. Sumtimes, things get realli ridiculous. ARGH! I cant help but put a bad mood sign across my face for e rest of e dae once I kena reprimanded. No one will b crazy enoff to b smiling still.

Am I destined to meet horrible pple in my life? I guess so. Everywhere I go, no matter how hard I strive to b better, I still meet horrible pple. They love to give me shit. Give me a break. Shoo pls!

*irritated n frustrated*

~ { 11:26 PM }
reflections of you and me;