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30 October 2006

Did I Make a Wrong Choice?
I dunno. I feel puzzled. I hope things dun turn out the way I am afraid it would. I alwaes wanna him to join BB cos I strongly believe tat Mr Wee could groom those guys to bcome MAN. Jus like how he groom A***** to bcome a better person. I realli tink tat he play a major role in bringin e change in A*****. Unfortunately, Mr Wee left b4 he met my bro. I still hope tat wateva is taught in BB...e values...e discipline...e strong bonds build among e guys can influence him to b someone wif a strong character. I alwaes believe BB can make young little boys to bcome a MAN wif good values. Cos I hav seen changes in those guys I knew.

Now tat he has bcome a COS, I can onli sae tat I am veri proud of him. However, wat is makin me more worried is abt his character. I understand how he feels...I go thru e same shit as him b4. I understand y he feels tat way. Hence, I dun wanna get myself too involved in discipling him. Cos I noe it wont work. Nothing goes in. It will onli strike when u lose everythin. Every single thing. Esp. the thing which u tinks makes ur world goes round. E thing u hold so dearly to.

Its scary how news spread like a wild fire in the office. I was told to organise sumting. E next moment, I found out tat sumone from another building noes abt it. Tats onli within a few hours time. Eeks. I dun like tat. I dun like things to spread like this...when I dun intend to let e others noe. Eeeeks. I hate it tat I feel so scared to sae e wrong thing. Cos as u can see, e speed of spreadin news is like freakin fast. Jus a sms...an email...anything can b done. SUX!

Okie...time to try to write my report. Sumone is helpin me wif it. *shhh...* HAHAH!

~ { 11:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;

29 October 2006

Dinner n Dance
I went for my company's dinner n dance. It was a realli last min thing. Cos my manager WANNA me to go...he went to tell e HR on thurs...when e DnD is on FRI. Cos he asked me if I was goin, I sae 'No, Cos no more tables'. Then he went to check...in e end, I ended up goin. My male sup looks damn cool lah. *wipes saliva* LOL! Oh well...its reali nice to hav him as my sup. He is damn crappy n funny...veri onz...treats me damn nice. He acutally ask me not to work too much...he sae jus do wateva u can. Dun care if u cant finish...I noe e dateline is not realistic...LOL! It is abt a assignment he gave to do...frm e quality side one. Veri tedious. Sae until e vendor frm other company oso sae..."Wah...ur sup treats u damn nice." I tink I will not bear to go when my atttachment is over. Aww...

Sumtimes...it is not too good to b too close wif ur sup...cos when e dae comes...u hav to leave, u will not bear to do so. :( I cant bear. I noe I will b damn sad. I cant stand e feelin of departure. Esp. when e person is damn nice to me. Haiz...how?! Time seems to flies realli fast...I am oredi done wif 2 months! AHH! I duno if it was on purpose or wat...we were leavin e place...I was stuck waiting for one of my colleague, my male sup walk damn slow sia...saw him turning his head back. I shld hav hop onto my male sup car! Shldnt hav waited for my colleagues. Beats sittin in my dept head car! STRESS! To make things worst...when I open e car door...I hit it against another car...not too hard though...but my dept head's wife heard it. ^R^&%^%$! Chiam liao loh... HAIZ... My dept head sent me all e way to my house downstairs. I feel so damn paiseh. On e other hand, I am too shy to ask my male sup to sent me to e nearest MRT station. Cos I noe he wont do tat. Most likely sum where near my house. I will feel bad oso. Cos I actually switch table wif him. He was sittin wif my colleagues...I was suppose to sit wif those managers n my dept head. I din wanna. I beg him to switch. I felt tat he din realli enjoyed himself tat nite. Argh...feel so bad.

End of story... I tink tats e most interesting thing tat happened in this short week. My manager, my male sup n my dept head r all damn nice...isnt it? E 3 of them r frens too! LOL! I will realli miss my male sup. Not too gd to be too close wif him too! Due to politics reasons. HAIZ! Shang nao jing ah!

I shall end here...veri tired...due to e slight hangover. Drank xiang bin contributed by my dept head. HAHA! See ya!

~ { 12:52 AM }
reflections of you and me;

22 October 2006

2 yrs ago, sumone close to me passed away on this fateful dae. I dunno y I din cry when I went to pay respect todae. Everyone who went cried. Except me. I do feel sad...but e tears jus dun flow. I realli hope I can go Uni. I dun wish to disappoint u.

Feel sad...lots of tots. Flashbacks of memories...while I am alone. Life has to go on...no pt lookin back.

Ran todae. Close to 3km. HAHA! Wat a accomplishment! Considerin I hav not been running for a long time!

Tats all for now...my tots jus dun flow. See u!

~ { 11:35 PM }
reflections of you and me;

18 October 2006

Was told to update. HAHA! Frnakly speaking, nothin much to update on. Cos...life is SOOO....ROUTINE! Nothin much happened...nothin interesting...jus work, eat then sleep. Work...still stressful as ever. Damn scary...cos I dunno when will e person jie dao sa ren! ('borrow ur knife' to kill pple) As in...use u to backstab pple. Tats how dark e real workin world is. No more naive thinkin.

Other than tat, nothin liao. Cos dun hav eye candy...nothin interesting enoff to keep me movin. Onli e tot of gettin sum time off to sit down n laff my heads off wif funny pple in my life. :D Everyone seems to b goin for their company's D&D. I dun hav tis priviledge. Cos...my dept...their table full liao. BOO! So I can onli join them for fun...then when they go for D&D, I got to guai guai go home. Tats damn SIAN lah! Sobz.

Wat else??? I got nothin to update abt. Cos my life revolves ard work nia. Haiz...see ya! Do tag to give me ideas wat to blog. HAHA!

~ { 12:33 AM }
reflections of you and me;

08 October 2006

It has been a long long ever since I last blog. It is such a relieve to me when I see a veri different side of my supervisor (male). Btw...I got 2 supervisors. A male n a female. E male one was realli funny! I laff till my stomach aches like mad. However, tis side of him onli happens after 5pm. He isnt like tat during workin hours. Too stressed to b funny. Workin is still stressful. Due to office politics everywhere. U never noe when u will offend sumone jus bcos u seem to b closer wif another person. Nonetheless, I am enjoyin myself now. :) Oh well...life is great after workin hrs. U get to crack jokes...sumtimes...OT-ing isnt tat bad. :P HAHHA!

Nothin in mind to blog...see ya!

~ { 6:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;