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23 September 2006

Great Dae
Spent e whole afternoon wif YW. HAHA! My best pal alwaes. Laff our heads off...over everythin tats discussed. Found out tat I made many many mistakes in e past. Listenin to her as she tells me abt her sis...I see myself in her sis. I wish I hav changed for e better. Flaws...countless of them in me. I never seems to b able to perfect them. Mistakes...one after e other...over n over again...e same old mistakes. When will I learn? I wonder. Am I meant to be in e tis way? Y cant I jus change myself? Am I not determined enoff or wat? Issit in my blood? (cos DNA DO plays a part in ur character) I have never endin no. of qns in my head. I wish for sumone in my life who can create e diff in me. Sigh. I am jus so sick n tired of myself. I hate e flaws in me. Not as if I din noe tat I hav tat flaw...but e fact is I keep repetitively commit e same old mistake. I shld improve on it. E onli thing tat I did so far...is to cut down on e no. of times I commit e mistake. Once I get so happy or relaxed...I forget all abt controllin myself. So much abt tryin to change...I forget all abt my flaws. I feel so bad committin e mistake over n over again. I feel so bad for disappointin my fren.

I wish there is sumone outta who is able to give e reassurance tat everythin will b alrite. I will change for e better. Will b there to give me e encouragement tat I need whenever I am down. I dun need encouragement all e time exactly...I jus need e reassurance. Reassure me tat it will b alrite. Remind me to relax when necessary. Guide me to b a better person. Hear me out...share my joy.

I cant believe I am stuck there
I cant believe I still cling onto it
I cant believe I still dream abt u
I cant believe I still feel e ache
In my heart when I was dreamin abt u

Sorry tat I cant fulfill e promise
Sorry tat I still tink abt u
Sorry tat I still miss u
Sorry tat I still wanna see u
To noe tat u r fine...happy...
Havin sumone to share ur burden

~ { 10:26 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Feelin realli stressed out. It is not abt e work load. I am definately handling it well. BUT...it is abt communication. U cant anyhow sae things. U got to tink n tink n tink b4 u sae it. It makes tokin REAL tiring. I jus offended sumone todae. I hope she dun take it to heart. OR...she dun get angry wif me for long. There is so much tings to improve on. Yet, I feel tat I haven been realli workin hard on those areas. I hope I can improve myself. Value-add!!!

Aniwae...been feelin reali horrible todae. Not onli due to e colleague incident, I dreamt abt sum stuff tat I wish I will never dream of. Sigh. I jus wanna bury inside me. Deep deep way down inside. I cant reveal it. But it is poppin out...it is gettin out of hand. I hope I can do it. Fallin for e wrong one...as alwaes...

~ { 12:46 AM }
reflections of you and me;

17 September 2006

Mixture of Feelings
Oh well...e sotong me...took out my exams results transcript to calculate AGAIN. E other time I did it based on my memory of my own GPA results. NOW...I MIGHT b able to get into Uni. Onli might b...cos quite risky. I jus hit e bench mark. Tats e veri least I MUZ get if I wanna go Uni...I remember my lecturer once said it b4. I dun tink I can get into e course I wanna lah.

So...part of me is sad n disappointed. E other half is filled wif sweet feelings. Heehee... *shy* I tink most of ur can guess it lah. Abt *ahem* lah! I cant help smiling like a lunatic. HAHA! Yet...I am oso abit disappointed abt *ahem*. Due to sum stuff I found out recently. BOO~! Shld I or shld I not? Tis qn has been goin on in my head for sum time.

I seriously dunno wat am I feelin rite now. Its jus mixed wif happiness n disappointments. I am sorri if I gave anyone abit of my attitude yesterdae. My results do affect me quite a bit. I used to tink tat my results wont affect me too much in terms of my emotions. But...recently, I realised I was veri wrong. It hits me more than many other things. I dunno if I did gave anyone attitude. I hope I din. I tot I might blow @ M. Thank goodness he din do anythin which pissed me off.

Alrite...off to games! See ya!

~ { 1:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

15 September 2006

Veri sad n disappointed. Did badly for my exams. GPA drops again. Sigh! E worst is I cant go into a local Uni ANYMORE! Cos my GPA is way too low. I cant fulfill several pple's wish for me. They all wish me to graduate wif a degree. Now...I can no longer fulfill it. Ironically...I realli wanna continue studyin. Cos I dun reali like workin life style. I used to hate studyin....now tat I reali wanna...I am not given a chance. :( Time to look for a job. Job hunting season is goin to start...*sniff*

Back to work once again...see ya!

~ { 1:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;

14 September 2006

Bad Mood
Bad mood. :( Feel so robotic. Wanna go out n add spice to my life. But my frens r either busy wif their other half or they r busy wif their own life. BORING. :( Will try to put in more activities in my life to spice it up a little. :) Alrite...back to work. I am now workin if u din realise. I tink my dept head saw me on blogspot. SHIT! See u!

~ { 12:12 PM }
reflections of you and me;

13 September 2006

I dunno y I am so shag! Extremely shag e whole dae. I actually fell asleep in front of e com! My colleague woke me up to knock off. :P I noe it will create bad impression. But I am jus too tired. Wats done cant b undone. Haiz...no point tinkin abt it. I dun even noe y I am so tired. I jus hope I will feel better as time goes by. I hope I will get used to it by tis week. Jia you! U can do it! I hope I can give a better impression wif each passing dae. I hope I can build on it. :( I will jia you de! I will b hardworkin if there is work n slack abit when there isnt any. Most impt!!! Dun keep sleepin! ZHOU GONG! Stop lookin for me lah! U can look for K, A or M. Thanks. :)

~ { 11:30 PM }
reflections of you and me;

I feel so dread abt work. Life is SO BORING! Everydae wake up to work n knock off to sleep. Its so routine! I jus cant get used to it. I am jus too playful lah. I am missin e freedom I used to hav as a student. :( I guess I became a veri pple person. I need pple ard me. Feel so lonely @ times. E feelin jus kills. I need sumone to share my tots wif. Rather than lettin my tots replay itself over n over again in my mind. I guess its human nature tat we will wanna look for a partner when we grow up? HAHA.

Time to go zzz... Dun miss my crazy-ness pple! HAHA! *thick-skinned disease is @ work again*

~ { 12:00 AM }
reflections of you and me;

09 September 2006

Life Is Still Good
WoOHoO! It is finally FRIDAE! I haven been bloggin cos I was simply too tired. I sleep whenever I get a chance to sit down lah. Aniwae...went out todae wif my cousin. Not e *ahem* lah. Been spendin quite a bit these daes. Buy tis lah...buy tat lah...jus bought a top n a bottle to "save" my face. Sum beauty product. :P Super vain these daes...jus gets more n more jia lat.

Had a chit chat session jus now which realli makes me feel veri bad. It feels like I am jus born yesterdae. EVERYTHIN oso innocent abt them...or rather ignorant abt it. Got to learn to not jump into conclusion so quickly n learn to b more appreciative towards sum pple in my life. Gotta keep remindin myself tis. I realise I got so many things to improve on. I wonder where shld start from n I cant seems to remember all of them. Cos there is simply too many! :(

Got to interact wif diff pple frm diff levels of management in my company. It was pretty interesting n enriching. I learned quite abit abt my attachment mates too! All e other 3 pple...I hardly tok to them even when we r in e same lect hall. But I onli manage to click well wif 2. A n M. K was sumone wif a diff freq frm mine. I cant seems to tune into his yet. :P Everydae is a learnin dae. I learn to b a better person to e pple ard me. I hope I can attain e standard I set for myself n all e things I wanna change can b fulfilled in time to come. FIGHTING!

Hmmm...I hope everyone enjoys their attachments n ur supervisor will b super nice to ya. :) Hav fun n absorb all e knowledge! Meet up soon! :P

PS: Will onli b updatin on e weekends. :P

~ { 12:32 AM }
reflections of you and me;

02 September 2006

Time 2 Let Go
Its time to let go. He has been leadin a pretty happy life in aussie. He looks jus so different. Put on abit of weight...changed his hairstyle. I nearly couldnt recognise him. If I were to bump into him on e streets, I might not recognise him. :)Its jus so rare to see him smile. Needless to sae in photos. I hav never seen him smile so happily in photos. A mixture of different feelings. I felt nothin when I saw e photo. But I was so anxious lookin for him in e photo. Does it mean anythin? 3yrs has passed...I reali hope to move on n stop my heart from beatin whenever I see him in photos. It jus sounds so crazy. Yr after yr, I do remember his birthdae. As each yr passes by, I feel better...e urge to do sumting n send it to him is no longer there. E tot of sendin an e-card n restrictin myself frm doin it isnt tat bad anymore. I am glad I hav progress till tis stage. When will it b e dae tat I can declare frm e bottom of my heart...tat he is no longer in there anymore?

I cant 4get wat he told me. It jus goes on n on n on in my head... Abt 2 yrs ago, I did sum stuff which I am glad tat I did. If u were to ask me...hav u met e guy u love most? Yeah...I did. No one else makes me feel tis way.

I am still abit sad when I got to noe tat e pple r flyin in these 2 daes for e overseas attachment. Oh well...it will heal wif time. It will get better. I noe there is much more stuff to offer back in here. :D Wat a way to console myself. Sounds like Kim Sam Soon. Alawaes tokin to herself...tryin hard to console herself.

Back to e show...KIM SAM SOON! See u. :)

~ { 11:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;