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29 June 2006

Highlight? Dye? Highlight + Dye?
I hav gettin bored of my hair colour. Heehee...been abt 6 months ever since I did sumting to my hair. I wanna try sumting shockin tis time. I feel like highlightin back e colour. BUT...if my hair turns out lookin DRY, it will look like some dried grass. Hence, I feel like dye-ing + highlightin. Anyone has a good n cheap place to recommend? If onli gd @ highlightin OR dye-ing, I dun mind. I jus wanna fresher look. *cries* *ouch* My pocket burns a big hole sia. I wanna so many things! I wish money can drop down frm HEAVEN! I oso wanna rebond tat sickenin bit of my fringe. Alwaes curl one @ tat particular spot! As for fringe rebondin, I oredi got sumwhere in mind. Near my area oso! Goodie! *thumbs up* It is oso cheap! Wahaha...

Feelin reali slack these daes. I jus wanna slack. I got to pick up tat serious mode soon. If not, disaster will b here. Cos I dun tink I score well enoff for Common Test. High expectations...haha. Got to put in much more effort for one of them. Reali sickenin module. :P As for e other one, I got to put in abit more effort. Not up to my own expectations. In another word...I am givin myself stress. No one else is givin me tat. Cos no one noes my scores except ME!

Okie lah...crap n crap. Time to shoo off to sleep. Tonite dun hav World Cup but I still sleep so LATE! Tata!

~ { 1:00 AM }
reflections of you and me;

26 June 2006

Time to worry abt my CT! Sigh. I din even tink abt it during e 2 weeks break. LOL! I guess I will pass them both. As to whether I will do well, I dare not tink too much! REALLI! I jus hope tat I pass abit above a marginal pass. Dun pass wif jus a few marks more nia. PLS! Heehee...I got my own expectations to meet. :P

Sumtimes, I din wanna to react tat way. I reali dun wanna. I regret after I did it. But I dunno y I get so frustrated when it happens. Am I too harsh on myself? I wonder. Sumtimes, I dun allow myself to make mistakes. Is my expectations too high? I know tat human r prone to mistakes. But...wat is e extent tat one can withstand? I dunno. There is no such measuring device in tis world. Its all up to ur own judgement. :) Come to tink of it, is expectations good or bad? Issit too harsh for one to b pressurise by his/her own expectation? Haha...I dun hav e ans myself.

Hmmm...I cant seems to get over it. Mayb life is too dull...I need some distractions. It helps...I guess. Haiz...


~ { 10:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;

22 June 2006

Has it cross ur mind tat...
Some people say jc friends are those who stick with you for the rest of your life,
some say secondary school friends are those who stick with you for the rest of your life
why bother sticking with those you cant trust?
why bother sticking with those who are constantly out to bring you down?
best friends are those who can be trusted, watch each other's back and help when trouble comes.
why are there who step on others to get on top themselves?
where are those who think about going up together?

some people say you should make new friends while maintaining with those old ones
why make new friends when u cant maintain the old ones?
why maintain the old ones when you are not in good terms with them?
why bother having so many numbers in your handphone when you only call a bunch?
why bother going online just to do something else?
why have so many friends on your list and dont bother talking to them?
why should there always a need to find a reason to call or talk to each other?

some people say forgive and forget
i have forgiven but i havent forget
does saying something bad about someone really gives one pleasure?
wat if that person heard about it and suddenly ignore you?
would u realise wat you have done wrong?
how do one continue to friend someone who lies alot when never trusting them?
why do some people lie to get others to like them?
is it really worth it?
is that type of friends worth to hang around for the rest of one's life?

why are people constantly in search of someone to love and care about?
true love is a two way connections which rarely happens
would the wait for the one be worth it?
after seeing all those heartbroken would one still continue the wait?
is love just about having dates, holding hands and spending time?
how about compromise, trust, solving problems and communication?

why does someone say they dont have feeling for a person but everytime the person appear, their heart skipped a beat?

Hmm...not written by me. I found tis on someone else blog. I guess he wrote it. It is veri well written n tot provokin. (at least tats how I feel) I cant seems to answer all e qns posted. Can u? Wats ur take abt those qns? Hav u ever ask urself those qns b4? I did...for some. :) Enjoy! Off to do sum self-reflections. Tata!

~ { 1:15 AM }
reflections of you and me;

21 June 2006

Tired of Feelin
I feel so tired. I am tired of feelin things goin on ard me. Dun worry...nothin BIG happened. I am jus tired of feelin e same way for so long. I told myself tis morning while waiting for e bus tat it is e in past. Everythin is over. Situations has changed...u ought to move on. But u din. There is tis statement made by a character in one of e serial drama. I felt like her. Stuck! She said sumting which makes me asked myself over n over again. She sae tat it is possible to get over it...it is jus up to u whether u wanna do anot. I once said "I can never get over it". Issit bcos I din wanna let go of those memories? Or issit tat it is realli impossible to let go? I keep askin myself y am I keepin those memories so close to myself? I dunno either. It is pointless...meaningless. I jus cant bear. It hurts too much. Which hurts more? Clingin onto sumting u noe u will never get or lettin go of it?

It is a no wonder y my lect mate comments tat I always look tired. No matter how much I sleep...I still feel tired. Even if I turn in early, it dun make me look fresh e next dae. Instead, it MIGHT make me feel more sleepy! Mentally I am so disturbed. I cant sleep well...dream after dream.

Wat makes me feel even more disturb is when I found out a fren of mine seems to b avoidin me. I dunno if I am over sensitive or wat. I hope so. Cos I certainly dun wish tat he is avoidin me. I cant sae I reali dun noe wat happened. But I am not sure if my assumption is rite. If it is...then I guess he needs sum time alone. I can understand tat. Cos I once experience e same thing. I jus hope tat no matter wat happens...he will understands tat I treasure tis frenship n wanna things to b like e way it is in e past. :)

Lets hope tat I will hav interesting stuff to blog after e Desaru Trip. I noe it sounds totally boring n I am bored wif my life too! LOL! Boring boring boring... I feel like goin to clubbin wif G! She came up wif tis idea...well...both of us r feelin horrible. I noe it. I jus din wanna spell it out. Sigh. I wanna tat little bit of alchohol. :( Okie...enoff of ranting. Be back soon.

~ { 1:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

19 June 2006

It has been a long time since I get down to serious writtin here. Hav been crappin n puttin rubbish up here cos I hav no idea wat to write. Jus din hav e mood. I jus come across an entry by a sec skool klassmate. She was rite. It is no point in being stuck in those past memories. Movin on is a need. Btw...tat entry was for another sec skool klassmate of mine. I feel like I am being stuck in tat irritatin game...Crimson Room. (if u play b4...u noe wat I am tokin abt) I find it irritatin cos I can never get out of e room. I asked my cousin to show me how to get out of e White Room. I am totally amazed by how she did it. WOW! Alrite...back to e idea abt being stuck in past memories. I find myself being stuck in those freakin memories. If u r alwaes being stuck in e past, u r missing out all e goodies in e present. How true! I missed out e best times of my life. 7 yrs or more to b exact. 4 yrs of sec skool + 3 yrs of poly life. HAHA! Sounds serious huh? I tried hard to evaluate upon myself wats e root of my own problem. I noe I hav one. I hav never share wif anyone. Not even a single soul. It set me tinkin when I came across an article on a mag e other dae. I wanna walk out of e room tat keep me in there for 7yrs. It is gonna b a BIG step for me. I dunno if I can realli get out of it. I noe I will tend to tink of e unhappy things tat happened b4. Those past experiences tat haunts me every now n then. I noe I cant accomplish it myself. I need help. Wat kind of help do I need? A psychiatrist? A fren? I dunno which is more appropriate. I hav been so used to livin in tat shadow. Wat makes me more assertive abt e problem in me is when YW told me abt tis course mate of hers. I din noe y it hit me so hard. I wanna tink more into it. I feel lost. I wanna a compass to show me e way out. Out of tis shadow...

Finally...I got to meet up wif YW todae! It is alwaes great to meet up wif her. I learn things frm her n I feel realli comfortable. I am jus myself. I mean...how many of ur frens can make u feel tat way? U dun hav to cover up tat ugly side of u. U r jus who u r. Toks lots of things...not realli anyone's prob. Since I solved most of mine...EXCEPT...tat BIG + DARK secret of mine. Went shoppin too! But we din realli shop...we wanna tok more than shoppin! E onli thing I missed was sittin in Coffee Bean wif her. Sigh. No Coffee Bean in Bugis! :( E ambience is better @ coffee bean than starbucks. More country feelin n cosy. E ice chocolate drink is better @ coffee bean too! I love it! :D

I realli wanna blog more abt my tots. But...I dunno y I jus cant seems to find e rite words to express my feelin. Its in a mess! I feel empty too. Direction-less. (is there such a word?) Nothin in particular to look forward to...even though I tried to make myself look forward to e trip to Desaru. BUT...sumhow, it jus dun interest me TAT much. I miss e feelin of laughin. Long time since I hav a good laugh till my tummy aches.

Haiz...I guess I will jus end here. I dunno how to express them into words. Be back soon. :)

~ { 1:50 AM }
reflections of you and me;

12 June 2006

My Love Type?!
Your love type

About 5% of the U.S. population possesses the combination of traits that make up this personality type.

Being an ISFP means that you're the kind of person who can usually be counted on. More than most people, your integrity seems to be of central importance to you. This fact bodes well for those around you. It means you tend to say what you mean, keep your promises, and walk your talk. There's very little empty chatter when you're around. Another way you show you can be counted on is by being sensitive to others. You usually know just the right thing to do to make someone feel valued in your life. Although you're not the kind who's big on intense emotional confessions or displays, your feelings run deep. One way you're able to show your true emotions is by being faithful.

In relationships, you'll usually try hard to make things work. Unlike some, you're not likely to freak out when there's a bump in the road. This is probably just another aspect of your patience and ability to stay on task. But be careful of taking your loyalties too far. Perseverance will usually pay off for you. However, sometimes you may try too hard and stay in situations that aren't necessarily the best for you. Leading a harmonious life can be vital to people of your type. As a result, most times you'd rather find a way to compromise than rock the boat. You'll even take on others' responsibilities if you feel it's necessary. Know that the right person will not take advantage of this generous spirit. You can use your highly empathic nature to help spot the one who's right for you. You seem to have a talent for knowing how others really feel without having them spell everything out for you. This intuition can be a great gift in relationships and in other aspects of life.

HAHA! I tink it is kinda true! :D

~ { 11:54 PM }
reflections of you and me;

05 June 2006

Full Of Crap
Ha! I FOUND MY IC!!! WoOHoO! Yeah...lost it on last tues. Was goin mad over it...I mean I lost my wallet. Receive a fone call tis morning...frm SBS n they told me my wallet was being found! WHEE! Save my pocket man! $300 is no joke cos I lost it e second time. :P Yeah...I am super careless + blur + 4getful. I guess I got e worst combi in tis world. I am startin to believe tat there r nice pple ard. HAHA! Pls dun destroy tat belief.

I dunno y I am so smart in e wrong stuff. Realli wrong stuff. :( IF ONLI...my smart-ness lies in my studies...HOW GREAT would tat b?! AH...but PUI! Its not. It lies in spottin couples n pple havin crush on other pple. Sounds idiotic huh? I oso dun like tis smart-ness. I mean...imagine...*take a ride to e imaginary land*
U spot ur crush havin a crush on another gal. Dun u tink u will feel super sian? Tats wat I realli dun like abt tis smart-ness. I tried to 'close' my eyes but I dunno y I can jus spot it lah. Too sickening to b true. To make things worst...my 6th sense is 100% guarantee correct! :( Mum used to sae I am smart but smart @ e wrong stuff. Tis time...I got to agree wif her.

Wanna blog more sophisicated stuff...but I jus dun hav e mood for it rite now. Jus wanna rant n tok nonsense. Jus had UOP Common Test. WOW~! Cos it realli...I dunno wat to sae. It is jus...SIGH~! U get e idea? Tomolo...WORST! PCON...I am prepared to FLUNK it! How cool! E whole module is jus like readin sum alien lang. book. Once u started readin, u jus wanna take a ride on ur spaceship n fly to a land called "la la land" to see if any alien understands tat book. OR u might jus wanna to pay zhou gong a visit to play chess wif him. Then, ask him abt tat book oso. Tats e most sickening module I hav ever come across. Sum...@ least when I read e book...I will kinda understand it. Tis module is SO POWDERFUL...tat I dun understand a single thing. PS: Cos it comes in powder form mah! LOL!

PS: La la land = dreamland

Enoff of crap...was jus in e mood to crap. I haven finish studyin tat crap module. BUT...b4 I end off...jus wanna sae...

I dunno y I still cant 4get
Its been so long...2+yrs!
Everythin comes back after a dream
Yeah...a DREAM AGAIN?! U may sae...
YAH! A dream...a stupid one...
It is stupid bcos...
It has a stupid person in it
Kill me if...
Tats e onli way to make me 4get!

~ { 7:38 PM }
reflections of you and me;

02 June 2006

My 101th post! :) Jus wanna spend sum time to blog. I feel so uncertain abt myself again. Wif make-up, I am confident. Once I remove it, I am back to who I am. Mayb make-up helps to cover tat weak part of me. It helps me to cover up e fact tat I am not as strong as wat I appear to b (mentally). I almost manage to convince my mum abt OIAP. Yet, @ tis crucial moment, I hav to lose my wallet. I dun understand y. Y muz life b so hard for me? As compared to my bro, I am jus e opp. of him. He gets wat he wants. For me, I got to work hard n pray hard for it. Sumtimes, I wont get it still. He is good in so many things. I am jus e direct opp. Gd @ nothin. We both hav same parents. Yet, things r so different. Y?!

Sumtimes...I come up wif reasons for myself over tis shits I get in life. B@bymentos once asked me...y wasted ur time to come up wif all these theories? Cos I used them to console myself. I feel lost as to y shits like tis can happen. I feel as if I am dump into e middle of an ocean. All ard me is sea. I cant see any island nearby. Wif these theories I come up wif, it serves as an imaginary island to push me to swim on instead of stayin there in e hope tat I will eventually find an island one dae. I realli hope tat I will find e island soon...I am drowning.

I try hard to b a gd gal. Yet, no matter how hard I try, I alwaes feel tat I am still on e bottom. Never seems to b able to reach e top tat I desire. Tired...I am tired. I am so tired. Will things look brighter e next dae? I hope so. It has been a long time ever since I last feel realli happy (w/o any worries on e back of my mind).

~ { 1:31 AM }
reflections of you and me;