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21 April 2006

MARY J. BLIGE - Be Without You
MARY J. BLIGE - Be Without You

I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Oooo (oh, oh, oh, oh) oooo

Chemistry was crazy from the get-go
Neither one of us knew why
We didn't build nothing overnight
Cuz a love like this takes some time
People swore it off as a phase
Said we can't see that
Now from top to bottom
They see that we did that (yes)
It's so true that (yes)
We've been through it (yes)
We got real sh** (yes)
See baby we been...

Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby

I got a question for ya
See I already know the answer
But still I wanna ask you
Would you lie? (no)
Make me cry? (no)
Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up?
Well, neither would I, baby
My love is only your love (yes)
I'll be faithful (yes)
I'm for real (yes)
And with us you'll always know the deal
We've been...

Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby

See this is real talk
I'm always stay (no matter what)
Good or bad (thick and thin)
Right or wrong (all day everyday)
Now if you're down on love or don't believe
This ain't for you (no, this ain't for you)
And if you got it deep in your heart
And deep down you know that it's true (come on, come on, come on)
Well, let me see you put your hands up (hands up)
Fellas tell your lady she's the one (fellas tell your lady she's the one, oh)
Put your hands up (hands up)
Ladies let him know he's got your love
Look him right in his eyes and tell him
We've been...

Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby)
And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby)
Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it
Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby

Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you


This song RoX! I love it e moment I heard it. FOC 06/07 is over. Lots of memories came back to me...esp. when I was a freshie. Realli make sum great frens in FOC. Frens whom I jus wanna use a chain n tie them up so tat they will never leave me. :D Now...I am on e way to graduation in 1 yr time. Time realli flies n wait for no one. Tis time we used e sports hall for campin again. E veri same corner tat my luggage was placed when I was a freshie. I wish to go back in time when I was a freshie. Had a tok wif sumone. We both agreed tat freshie FOC is e best. But...I love e nitewalk tis yr. Last yr was a boring bcos I was jus a guide. Tis yr...I went ard scaring pple. E shiok feelin of seeing e person gettin a shock is WOOOHOO! Thanks for accompanyin me...tis scary cat here. HAHA! I noe I veri bad lah...but I cant let u climb over my head mah! (doubt e person will ever read tis) Other than tat, it was great to noe sum gls better. Sum...I still blur as to who is who. :P


PS: Thanks for tellin me wat hao peng you ju le bu is all abt...HAHA!

~ { 12:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

10 April 2006

Gals Vs Guys
I was sharin my views wif my aunt jus a moment ago. She sae I hav grown up! :P During my trainin daes in CPTC, I learned alot of stuff. Not in terms of realli work but rather in terms of how pple work n sum human relation stuff. It is interestin to compare e sexes when it comes to how pple work. I actually did my observations n how pple ard me treats me. It isnt tat hard to strike a conversation. BUT...e thing here is who u strike tat conversation wif. It plays major role. If u were to ask me which sex will I go for? I would choose e guys! Not bcos they r e opp. sex but rather they r 10 times more easy to get along. They wouldnt give u tat "eeks...I dun realli like ya" attitude. Sumhow...I believe everyone noes who dun like them n who r e ones tat is "okie" wif them. E eyes plays a major role. If u r sincere abt feelin neutral for tat sumone, it will show. U will feel at ease when u approach such neutral party. I wouldnt sae all guys r like tat. I met my fair share of guys whom I wanna %@*&(@) abt them.

Being a gal myself, I would sae e female population has a major character prob. It is so obvious. If u r gal, ask urself tis qn, hav u ever shun sumone off jus bcos u dun realli like her BUT she DIN do anythin to offend u? We r too picky for our own good. I realli like how guys work in a certain way. If u take a step back n observe, u will realise tat guys can play wif any other guys when they engage themselves in games. Gals? NO! We dun do tat for NO reason. We ONLI play wif pple whom we consider as frens. If u cant mingle into their grp then sorri u r outcasted. Tats how realistic pple can get. Too picky n selfish. Tats wat guys hates abt gals. (my guess) We make a prob as easy as 1+1=2 into 1+1=window. I noe myself has tis prob too. I am tryin hard to correct tis mistake. I tink it is veri impt when u step out to e society to work. No one is goin to take those shit u give them in terms of ur "F**k up" attitude towards pple whom u jus dun like. In e society, pple r veri practical. If u hate other party, wat makes u tink tat other pple will like u oso? There is alwaes sumone higher than u in position n he can jus screw u up! Everyone muz hav a bigger heart to accomodate other pple. U r not perfect. It is e same for e others. There is sumting u hate abt e other person. There is oso sumting pple hate u for. Y make everyone's life so difficult? Of cos, I dun mean u oso try to like pple who hates u over nothin. I tink u can jus 4get e entire idea. U can jus try ur veri best to treat e person wif basic respect n nothin more than tat. U wont wanna make e situation ugly...cos u never noe when u need to cooperate wif e other party.

During one of my conversations wif my mum, mum said sumting which realli makes sense n I got to agree wif her. "It is hard to find true frens in e same sex. Almost impossible." Cos a gal will DEFINATELY b jealous over another gal for her popularity among e guys even if they r frens. Y does she get so much popularity wif e guys when I dun even tink she is pretty? So wat is so attractive abt her? I tink tis qn sounds veri familiar to gals. Hav u ever felt tis way? Yet, it is hard to maintain jus purely a frenship wif guys. Things tends to go over e line of jus being frens. Frens? Tink again.

~ { 2:34 PM }
reflections of you and me;