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28 November 2005

I hav jus updated e song list. Placed some of my fav songs there. Jus scroll e player @ e side to enjoy them. Tryin to edit more...I onli managed to get 3 new ones though...e first 3. Heehee...others r frm e person who did tis skin. Hope u enjoy it! Will b a short update...got work to do n I am tired.

Aniwae...I met wif YW todae. Yeah...it was realli GOOD! We tok like frm 12.30pm to 7.30pm?! A solid 7 hrs. We din stop @ all! Wahaha...we couldnt finish our conversation still! I felt it was not enoff! I actually had tis crazy idea...go book a place...jus e 2 of us...tokin thru e nite. Mayb...then we will b able to finish our conversation. I alwaes feel it is never enoff to tok to her. We jus cant end e conversation. Or issit me again?! =X Talkative ah...kou shui duo guo cha. Haha... We started off frm food court...to hav my lunch...then to Coffee Bean...then to JP. Wah seh...everytime we meet up...we jus end up sittin n tokin non-stop. We din even actualli hav a proper shoppin trip b4. LOL! Muz hav one wif her some day. Then...I tink I realli no need to come home liao. Cant stop shoppin n tokin... :P

Was tokin frm skool...to frens...to relationships...to entertainment...to family...to... I dun realli noe how to categorise e others. :P Was feelin emotional when I tok abt one of my deceased relatives. I actualli cried in front of her! O_O Opps. I hope I din scared her. Actualli wanna cry my hearts out...but was too afraid tat she will b scared off by me. Wasnt tat bad when I started tokin abt it at first...then I saw her tried fanning me with e phamplets. Mayb my eyes told her I am breakin down soon. Got worst...I jus burst out cryin. I din actually had a good cry over tat matter b4. Got realli emotional. I feel realli bad to cry in front of her. Mayb tats e reason y pple sae u suffer more when u jus keep things to urself. Cos when u tok it out...u will breakdown...then cry over it...let them all out. After tat...u will b stronger...emotionally n mentally. I tink I will never wanna tok abt it again...dun wanna cry again in front of pple. So pai seh! Got an uncle bside us somemore! Come to tink of it...super embarrassing sia! I dun even noe y I jus breakdown n cry. She sae she felt bad tat she make me cry. Nah...its okie. I tok abt him pretty often...but I never cry when I tok abt it one leh. Todae...jus so special. I believe...he was ard when I tok abt him. Felt e veri touching feelin...so I jus cried.

I am feelin much better now. :) Hav u ever feel tat u wanna cry veri badly...sumhow...u jus cant cry it out? E tear glands jus dun work. I wonder if it is bcos we hav lost e ability of knowin n feelin to cry as we grow up. When u din wanna urself to cry...u cry more! U jus burst out cryin. I feel tat cryin is good. Yeah...sounds like cry baby. But hav u ever realise y kids r far more happy then adults? Cos they cry when they r unhappy. Adults keep it to themselves when they r not happy...even if they din...they dun cry. Cryin is a way of lettin those unhappiness within u out of ur system. It helps. How do u feel after a good cry? U feel better? Or u feel worst? Of cos...I am not sayin tat u shld cry whenever u r unhappy. But try to cry whenever u need to. Mayb tats y kids r far more happy than adults. Not realli bcos they hav lesser stuff to worry...they do hav stuff to worry abt. Like will mum buy me toys e next time we go to a toy shop? Will mum scold me for tis test's result? But to us...u may tink their probs r tiny. To them...it means e world to them. Hence...it is not jus a tiny matter actually. E onli diff is they dun keep stuff within them...they let it out by cryin. Adults keep stuff to ourselves way too often.

K lah...I need to do work liao. If not...tomolo late for skool again. =X ^_^ See ya!

~ { 12:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

27 November 2005

Speakin up
I am back to blog again. Haha... Jus came home not too long ago. Was a LONG dae for me todae. Tats y I look so zombie. Woke up early for discussion @ 9am. Yeah...AGAIN! Kinda makin me feel e dread of attendin it. Lets jus hope tat my birthdae week...dun hav to do tat! Aniwae...after tat, I came home to bath n changed. Went out again to meet e others @ City Hall @ 2.30pm. Yeah...so we chit chat n walk ard till abt 5.30pm whereby all e formal wear guys came. Yeah...FORMAL! Long sleeves n pants...I mean. Haha...we hav a series of different type of guys...one looks like Tin Tin (e cartoon! Well...tats B.)...2 tat looks like body guards -->R and K...(they claim...I tink more like either one is gettin married...then e other is like e partner beside e groom =X)...cos they were both wearing black n white lackin in e tie though. I tink they can MIB oso...jus lackin in glasses n e guns. HAHA! Got one who looks like waiter...dunno is who...I was blur. :P Not onli tat...we hav one who is odd one out. Haha...cos he was not in formal wear. Oh well...so we went to e concert. I would sae it was GOOD! It was COLD too! I personally like some of e songs. One of them sounds so chirpy...makes u feel happy n like in wonderland like tat. Esp. when u close ur eyes to enjoy e music...I dream of seeing e grass n e sky onli. Sounds good to b lyin there n jus enjoy lookin @ e clear blue sky?!

Was gossipin abt K and his queen. Wahaha...opps! =X I tink it was realli funny lah...esp. when I see his queen, I see a reflection of myself in e past. Laffin n laffin away. I wonder y cant I do it anymore? Issit bcos I hav lost e feel of laffin or issit tat I jus lost e sense of happiness within me? Erm...of cos...we r jus teasing K lah. Kena suan by us until veri chiam. Haiz...too bad no one was willin to help him. Who ask him everytime make me wanna throw him out of e window?! K...if u ever come across tis...enjoy e conference! Wahahaa...

Speakin up...issit so difficult? Yeah! Indeed it is. I keep askin myself...y cant I jus speak up?! I got so much to sae...but when it is realli time for me to give comments...like when pple ask me...so how do u feel? I end up givin like less than 5 words answers! Most commonly asked qn: How is ur dae? My reply: Good/ Fine / Ok lah. Pengz! Usually I give fine. Not tat I dun wanna sae more...but it jus wouldnt come out. I feel blank out. I wanna to sae how my dae has been...more details...in e end, onli one detail. Grr! I am actually angry wif myself over tis. I hope to give e key to more pple. E key which is able to open myself up more. I ask myself...issit bcos I dun feel comfortable? No. Issit bcos I am scared of history repeatin itself? Or issit I am scared of speakin up? Sayin e wrong stuff n things like tat? Well...I would sae yes to e 3 of them. Got to b more courageous. I tink I am goin to get killed soon. =X I feel bad tat other pple hav to b e one alwaes takin e initiative to ask me how am I. Cos I was like tat once. I feel sian pretty soon. Cos I had to b e one takin e initiative. I promise myself I will b e next time takin e initiative if there is a next time.

Hav u ever feel tis way? U noe u shld feel happy...but sumhow, it turn out tat u r not feelin wat u tink it shld b. Instead, u feel tat u r suppressin urself. Dun even noe y u feel tat way?! I am feelin dumb lah. Dunno wat stress am I givin myself exactly. Issit e perfectionist side of me doin all tis to myself? I noe it is not doin me good. Cos my body has shown signs of rebellion. Chest pain prob is back to haunt me. Med is not goin to help me on e long run. Esp. when it makes me feel damn tired. Headache is oso another prob tat is happenin more n more frequent in my life. I wanna see a doc e other dae...but wasnt in luck. Cos e clinic was closed by e time I reached there. Gastric wise...oso not too good. I am suspectin stress is e root of all tis troubles. RELAX...muz remind myself constantly!

Hav u ever feel tat e haversack on ur back...is so heavy tat u cant even walk anymore? It jus pulled u down...makin u sittin on e same spot...not being able to move forward? Then...u realise there are these creatures surroundin u called frens. U started to unload all e load in ur haversack. Pourin them out...to share them wif ur frens. Tats wat I am goin to do tomolo. Whee! I hope my haversack feel lighter after tomolo. Has been lookin forward to meet up wif YW. She is jus like a filing cabinet in my life. Helps me to sort out messy lookin papers all over my table (brain). She alwaes make me feel reassured after tokin to her. Makin me feel refreshed. Thanks once again for being part of my life.

I am realli tired...time to rest n gear up for tomolo meet up! I am all ready to go! See ya!

PS: Frens...if u see ur name or rather initials instead, I din wanna put names cos I was once kena bombarded by someone. Tryin to gek me for wat I blog abt sumone. Hence, in order to prevent history frm repeatin itself...I am usin initials instead. Sorry.

~ { 1:08 AM }
reflections of you and me;

26 November 2005

歌手:杨丞琳 专辑:暧昧









I like tis song man! It is so nice! WOoHoO! Cant get sick of it yet. Haha...my bro is goin to suffer...=X Listenin to e song...listenin to my singin...tryin to learn tis song... Express e feelings of love?!

歌手:杨丞琳 专辑:暧昧



Awww...tis song is SUPER sweet! Realli! I fell in love wif it. I keep repeatin it like got 50 times liao?! I dunno how many times lah. Heng ah...my bro not in my room...if not he will curse tat I keep repeating e same song. :P He is goin to suffer again. LOL! =X But...realli nice ah! Realli explains how a gal feels when she is goin to meet her crush for a date. Gals...rite?! *I see sum heads noddin!* Whahaa...mine nods profusely. ^_^

PS: Use unicode for encodin if u cant see e lyrics. ;)

~ { 1:22 AM }
reflections of you and me;

25 November 2005

Naggy old woman
Haha...I feel like a naggy old woman. Naggin away. Feelin a little frustrated wif one of my IS mates. Goin to nag my heads off @ him man. Haiz...he is jus e type of person which u need to constantly nag n nag @ him. Cant help it. Goin to rant a little abt him...here it goes...

E thing abt him is not attendin e meeting. Fine. Nevermind...I tot. Since everyone get lazy @ times. Tats wat I tot. I told one of our grp members to remind him abt e meeting n stuff tat he needs to hand up. Dun wanna kena nag by my lecturer when we meet him up on Mon again. He was pretty pissed wif our group. Felt tat we were veri irresponsible. Yet...I cant help much. Cos I am in a different course frm all of them. I can onli msg n call pple to remind them abt stuff n emails we got frm our lecturer. Wanna meet up oso so difficult. Cos all of us hav our own commitments. Worst still...he was told to turn up for todae. But he din. Hmm...I was jus told he went down to e place himself n found out tat e place was not opened. Hence...our trip to Suntec was cancelled. I seriously dunno wat to sae...but jus felt tat he shld hav contact us rather than e other way round. Aniwae...he din hand in wat he was suppose to. Zero is jus waitin for him...I guess. GRR! I shall stop here...no point being angry wif him. I will jus nag @ him. Jus wait n see. Wahahaha...nag till he surrenders!

Hmm...movin on to more philosophical topics. :P Was tinkin alot these daes. (even though I hav packed schedules) I tink when I bath...sleep...walk(tats y I alwaes almost kena knocked down by cars!)... I tink whenever I can spare sum time for it. Not long hours of ponderin though. Tat leads me to tink of stuff which I tink is e most disturbin to me rite now. I jus realised tat e way u look @ things makes a great diff in life. Okie...I noe it is pretty late. :P Frankly speakin...it realli does! G make me realise tat. We were tokin abt our senior n seeing him smokin. E thing is e way he tinks makes a great diff as to how he reacts to thing around him. I am tryin to b optimistic though. Learnin to look @ stuff @ many different angles is not easy. E first step of everythin is alwaes HARD. I am still in e process of learnin. I would sae I got tons of things to learn ah! Step by step ba...dun gan chiong! I am jus a spider...tats y. Haha...

Lolx. I feel so OLD. Tinkin way too much...I guess. Take a break...brain. Back to do work. See ya!

~ { 12:10 AM }
reflections of you and me;

24 November 2005

I noe I will come to terms to it...
Still in skool though...waitin to for my skool mate to go off to Suntec to check out sum stuff. Meetin @ 6pm. Boring. Though I am not exactly feelin good...but I believe I will come to terms wif e disappointment. Not so soon though. Still learnin to come to terms wif it. I muz not let history repeats itself. In tis way...I will never learnt my lesson. Yet...temptations are so hard to resist. :(

I hav no idea y I am so affected by it. When G told me abt sumting which I hav oredi knew...I got so distracted. I wonder y! Since I oredi noe it liao...y shld it even bother me? ARGH! It is scary to tink how my frens r interlink...then sumhow...it will end up linkin to tat person. I cant help it. I jus tink n tink n tink. I wonder y tat person would appear in our conversation. Issit me or issit jus so fated tat e person would appear in my conversation wif frens who noe abt tat person? I noe it is jus a veri small aspect of my life. Not so impt tat I shld put all my effort into it for e time being. Sumhow...I jus cant focus and I feel tat I got myself into a bottomless pit. A pit which will let me sink deeper n deeper. Will I actually bump into tat someone when I am meetin up wif sum frens? Or will it b such a coincidence tat our frens knew each other n got us out to meet(not knowin we oredi noe each other)?

Tons of qns to b answered. Yet...they r not exactly important. I noe I need to focus more on important stuff. There r more stuff waiting for me to solve and answer. Like studies...I cant concentrate in lect! I hav no idea wat my lecturer is tokin abt...I jus feel like zzz in lect. Physically...I feel shag. Not gettin enoff rest...everydae is a zombie dae. I guess I need to set sum time aside to tink again. Pretty packed tis week...weekends r fully packed wif activities. As for next week...I tink I am pretty free! =X Wahaha...better keep my mouth shut. Scali activites starts poppin out...then I can jolly well enjoy no rest for e week liao.

I tink I shall pen off here...time for me to rest abit n catch sum nap b4 headin to atrium to meet my skool mates to Suntec. See ya!

~ { 4:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

20 November 2005

Tat word basically sums up my feeling now. Realli veri disappointed when I saw one of my PJC senior smokin @ Clementi last nite. I am almost quite sure it was him. Cos of e way he looks @ me. I noe it was him. A gut feelin. I dunno if u ever experience tis feelin b4...but e way someone looks @ u tells u alot of things. I was shocked n disgusted too. Shocked tat he would actuali go into smokin. Disgusted bcos I never like pple who smoke. Well...mayb it was bcos of his family probs. I sort of noe abit abt it. He looks so much like a drug addict to me. I jus hope tat e person I saw was not him. Haiz...all I can sae now is...if it was him, he needs to wake up!

Another thing tat realli disappoints me is...*secret* All I can sae once again is I jus fell frm heaven to earth. I am glad tat there r pple who cares for me. Thanks for being there in my life once again...to help me get thru tis time. Happiness doesnt reali last. Sigh. It hurts.

I need sum time for myself to pick myself up again. I need time to pick those broken pieces. I tink I will distant myself for a while. Need time to sort out stuff. I once wish I can b back on earth soon. I din noe I would b back so soon. Stupid wish. Cos I din wanna neglect other pple in my life...like family n frens. I dun wanna to b too obsessed wif wat I am interested. I noe I will lose out quite alot. So...I was tryin to balance everythin. It was hard. Now...no worries. Cos I am no longer in heaven. I am back to earth. My windows media player isnt helpin me too. Playin sad songs. :(

Hmmm...I tink I will siam for sum time. Will b back when I feel better. Got work to do...see ya!

~ { 11:28 PM }
reflections of you and me;

17 November 2005

Jus a short update
Wahaha...I reali promise a short one tis time. Cos I got to zzz soon! B4 I cant wake up on time for skool tomolo again. Hmm...supposed to b doin my tutorial one...but I din. I ended up fixing my new printer cum scanner! WOOHOO! It been in my house for months! I jus opened it n fixed it. Cos I needed to print stuff urgently...if not, I wont b so hardworkin oso. LOL.

G came to tok to me jus now. Wat a surprise! Cos I tot she would b busy wif her 'A's. Guess wat?! She told me her 'A's ends on FRIDAE! Yeah! I am waitin for tis exam to end. Then...I can meet up wif all my PJC (1st 3 months) peeps. Oh man...I miss them to bits! Finally tis exam is comin to an end. Screw tis stupid exam. Wahaha... Time to meet up n crack all e lame jokes again. I am missing those daes...whereby I live by each dae jus enjoyin myself wif my frens. No hw to do...no test...no watsoever. WHee! Revive tat feelin in me.

I am happy. I mean truly happy...feel like jumpin ard. Sharing my joy wif my frens. am sastisfied wif wateva I hav now. Can it dun change foreva? I wish time will freeze now...jus let me b where I am now. I hav someone to thank esp. Tats YW! Heez...dun tink she will come across tis. But still...I wanna sae tat I am extremely thankful tat I hav her as my fren in my life. Helpin me to sort out e messy tots tat nite...makin me feel so much better. @ least...I noe wat I shld do...wat I can do to help solve some problems here n there. Thanks alot!!!

Okie lah...I promise a short entry. I shall pen off here. Will change my blog skin soon! Do come back n check it out! See ya. ;)

~ { 1:15 AM }
reflections of you and me;

14 November 2005

More things to add...
Sumting jus came into my mind. Sumting which I tink will b impt to me in time to come. So...I am here to blog again to remind myself in e future. LOL! After a good nap...I feel so much more refreshed. I feel more less horrible. :P Still a little o headache though. I shall keep things simple n SHORT! Okie...I promise.

Well...woke up pretty early tis morning. It is EARLY for a SUNDAE morning. I dread e tot of gettin off my comfy bed @ such early hrs. Was late for e discussion. Pretty late. Haiz...cos I slept late yesterdae. Doin research...makin sure I do sum stuff. Useful stuff so tat I wont b so unprepared e next dae. I feel incompetent when I discuss stuff wif my leader of e grp. Stress! He is smart...yet, I am e slow processing person. He pentium 4...I pentium nia. Yet...there r sum stuff I realli like when I worked wif him. Other than e tot of feelin incompetent...feelin stupid...feel frustrated tat I got to do work even on Sundae! On e other hand, I will sae he creates an environment tat allows me to learn a lot of stuff frm him. I like it when he actually spread e work over e week. Instead of all e last min work. It stresses me out. Tat explains y we hav to meet up on Sundae to work. Cos on Mon, timing not suitable for all. Tues...oso another good dae but it will b slightly late to start work. Cos Fri is e dateline. Wed to Fri...r packed daes. I oso need a breather after a long packed dae. Hence, even though I will grumble over havin no life, I will still make an effort to attend it. Cos I noe I will definitely learn sumting in each discussion. So...in a project, I usually act like a timer. Keep track of e time. But in tis one...he is e timer. Wahaha... I oso like it tat he actually goes thru every part of e work together wif everyone of us. Instead of me jus handing in wat I hav to do. I learn much lesser in tis way. Agree? Certain stuff r learnt when ur go thru it together. Jus like todae, I learnt more abt wat needs to b included in different parts of a report. I tink tat is impt! Cos I will need to do report for my FYP (final yr proj) n other things in time to come. Over e past 1.5yrs...I din realize a lot of things regardin report writing. One gd example is where to work on when u r writing Summary. Work on e objective! Tats jus part of it lah. Got more things. Sounds stupid to u...mayb. But I really din learn tat cos in e past, I will jus hand in my part to my grp n tats it. Cos not everyone like e hassle of goin thru stuff together.

Well...someone is in e same boat as me. She oso feel veri incompetent in her work. Her boss oso stress her out. But she told me it makes her learn. It is a gd thing actually. E hard way though. Trains u to tink on e spot. Guides u to b more successful. Thru her tok...I am more willing to make an effort to make myself on same pace wif my leader. Of cos...not to 4get another inspiring tok by someone else. Still...I tink I am behind him. Not on e same pace. My target is to b able to b on the same pace as him by e end of tis sem. Tink fast! Tink as fast as wif a flick of e finger. Tink on e spot. <-- tats e most impt one to train!

I was astonished of e way I am tokin to someone. Oh well...I was tryin to help e person. Jus like how my fren helped me out todae. Things I hav learnt...I tried sharing wif her...some points r things tat I personally feel since e both of us got e same phobia! PRESENTATIONS! I am still tryin to improve on mine. I tink I can save e entire chat n start makin a change in how I present. Cos same prob mah. I wonder if I can do wat I am tellin her now. Sayin n doin it is 2 different things. I learnt abt tinkin e end product...wat I wanna @ e veri end...instead of focusing on e process.

Here is wat I told her...abt presentations! I myself is shocked wif wat I am goin to type below... O_O I am jus tryin to blog down so tat I can do my references in time to come for my presentations in skool. I tink it will help me. I oso hope it will b of help to u! Wahaha...enjoy!

I tink when u present sumting, u got to realli feel for wat u present. I mean u got to put urself into e topic. Like presenting a product...u realli got to feel tat e product is GOOD! If u hav doubts in it...sumhow, u jus cant speak wif convictions. Speakin wif convictions make ur presentation convincing. U will naturally speak wif convictions when u believe strongly in wateva u sae. If u r tat type who will trip over words...tongue tied...stun @ e qns post 2 ya, u r not alone! I am jus another livin example. Wahahaha...hear me tok on normal conversation u might catch me tongue tied oso. LOL! So...how to conquer??? I am learning to do so oso.

I tink tongue tied is sumting tat u cant realli helped it. Jus remember to speak slowly...if u r tongue tied, jus sae 'SORRY!' then continue. Got 2 b more thick-skinned in tis. As for trippin over words...same case as tongue tied. Jus sae 'Sorry!' It doesnt hurts. Instead it ease e furstrations. Start realli slow...mayb e slowest u can go...dun hav to worry...cos u will naturally pick up e speed.

Stun @ e qns??? Freak out? Nah...need not. It is actually veri easy to tackle e qns sumtimes...if u tink of it again after e presentations is over. Or mayb when ur teacher helps to explain in replacement for ya. So wat makes it so hard??? E chemical called adrenaline. LOL! A powerful chemical which can make u do all e impossibles. Yet...it can destroy u too! How to handle it is impt. RELAX is e golden word. How to make urself relax? Preparations. Tis is wat tat is goin to help u. Prepare ur work...make super duper sure tat u understand all e facts n nitty gritty details b4 u go for presentations. Jus understand. No need to memorise all e details. Jus memorise e main points! Who cares abt e details??? If u understand ur materials well enoff...e details will naturally seeps inside u. So u can use ur own words to explain...dun hav to stick wif those terms u found in ur research. Make sense? Who cares abt those terms? Simple terms which make pple understand...is much better than chim chim terms. Cos pple attend presentations to understand stuff...not to b impressed wif those chim chim terms. A good presentation is one which makes understandin simple...n comvinces pple. Oh yah...another thing is dun stress urself e nite b4. Prepare b4 hand. E nite b4...u shld b playin or jus doin stuff to relax. If it cant b helped, u can onli prepare e nite b4, stop when u realise tat u cant remember anymore stuff. Or u feel tat ur standards starts droppin. Its a signal u r tired...u need to rest n relax. Be confident n trust urself tat u can do it. Tat u hav put in enoff effort for it. Tat u can remember e facts wif e amt of effort. LOL! I seriously tinkin abt whether I can achieve wat I jus sae abt Q n A session.

Now I understand y my fren hit me so hard wif facts. (well...tats wat he tinks...sumtimes lah) Wahaha... Cos e more u care abt wanting someone to change for e better...u will hit e person hard wif facts. I admit I do sumtimes. :P Hit 2 pple liao. I see myself in them. LOL. Jus a mirror image. As to wat is e similar thing...I shall not reveal it. I feel e same way jus now when I was tokin to her...explainin wat I was hopin to get into her. I noe I hit her hard. Cos she got frustrated in e end. Opps! I dun mean it. Tat happens when u become pek chek when e person jus dun get it into her system. I tink I oso noe y on her side she is so frustrated. Cos I am jus like tat. :P I din wanna get it into my system until I saw how impt it was. Cos pple need time to accept facts. Hard true facts abt themselves is not easy for one to accept. Esp. when it is facts abt their flaws. Everyone wanna tink they r good or perfect. But e thing is no one is perfect. --> I like tis statement esp. Cos I strongly believe it. BUT...I take sum time to accept abt my flaws lah. Challenge if u tink u r perfect! I will make sure I knock ur head in pieces. Haha... I am accepting those flaws...makin efforts to change for e better in each dae of my life. :D

On a side note...I jus wanna tell my fren. Dun b surprise! I like philosophies tok actually! It challenges me to tink more abt life...how to handle it. I believe I will learn a lot more. It oso challenges me to see how my own philosophies will differ frm others...how I can get e best out of e 2. LOL!

Jus a sense of happiness in me all out of e sudden. Sumting tat I myself dunno y I bcome so hyper. Mayb e tot of knowing ur mistakes...lookin forward to e dae u can sae tat u hav conquer e flaws in ya...is makin me happy n hyper. I feel movin so much out of e sudden. Thanks fren! Wahahah...jus take it I am suffering frm e sudden fluctuation of hormones. HAHA! Opps! I cant promise a SHORT entry. Its realli SHORT after all. I got too much to sae...n remember. Well...if u actually go thru ALL of wat I hav typed, I applause to ya! Good job! LOL! I am old n naggy n 4getful after all. Gettin alzheimer soon...I tink. Eyes oso not workin properly...degree increasing in progress. If u see me frownin @ ya...not I angry or wat...but I jus tryin to see who r u! Cos cant see mah...squeezing my eyes. Got to sae ‘Hi’ to my specs soon. :( Ear oso not workin properly. Haha...cos I cant seem to hear pple who speaks softly due to e blasting of my earphones. :P Okie lah...I tink I shall end here...long long ah ma entry liao. See ya!

~ { 1:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

13 November 2005

Hmmm...I shall blog b4 tis 4getful brain of mine 4gets everythin I wanna sae. I got lots to sae again. LOL! I had a chat wif my fren. Learn alot todae. Heres wat I wanna sae...

Hey! Dun worry lah. I am not sad lah. Oh well...mayb is e way I react which makes u tot tat I was sad. I was jus tinkin over wat u sae. Haha...mayb my reaction is kind of extraordinary to ya. No worries. Haha...now u noe...when I tink of stuff...I stare @ stuff n start to tink. Not sad...jus dun hav any expressions on my face. Si qi chen chen. Aniwae...jus hope tat u wont b 2 disappointed abt ur fren. I agree wif wat R had said. :) Cheers! :P

Wahaha...I am makin use of e paper Sis LQ gave me to write down wat I learnt frm e chat. Nice paper...can file one somemore! Guess wat is written on e paper? --> Points to Ponder. Wah...e title jus nice sia. E paper oso nice lookin. Keke... Hmmm...will place it somewhere whereby I wont miss it in my everydae life. So tat I can constantly remind myself. Check myself. Since I so blur n 4getful. Everythin oso need to note down. I need a small notebook...I tink. I wonder y issit readin is easier than listening in terms of remembering stuff?! I find it so much easier to read n remember than listening. It jus slips off my mind. Mayb I cant focus well. Short concentration span. Heard tat doin sports helps one to focus. Woohoo...I shall b more active to shake off those fats n b more focus.

Eh...I tink I need a break first. Might b back for more stuff. Brain dead...headache. See ya. :D

~ { 7:34 PM }
reflections of you and me;

11 November 2005

I need tons of it ---> COURAGE! Expect a long post...wahahah! I feel more n more naggy. :P Gettin a another yr older in abt another 2+ months time...haha...tats y. *hint* LOL! Jus had a chat wif a fren...still havin it now. I was confused...wat went wrong...blah blah blah. Alot of stuff...then I onli came to realise e diff between me now n 1+yr ago. E BIG diff lies on e word...as my title suggest. Tinkin back...things were much different back then. Needless to sae...there are good n bad points abt me back then. Good points...I was damn brave...*wonder where those courage come frm?!* Tok to pple who I barely noe...machiam like I noe e person for damn long liao. Lookin back...I feel so astonished wif e things I did n accomplished back then. Now...if u ask me to do those stuff again, I tink I will sae...'Pls...dun wanna lah.' --> Does it sounds familiar?! LOL! Bad points...endless to list. One good example...I tink I was too noisy. WAHAHA! I jus made a decision. I tink not difficult to guess wat it is.

Tokin abt gettin older soon...I still remember how my birthdae for tis yr goes. There wasnt any celebration(I mean those like party or wif cake n songs)...BUT! I would sae it was great. Cos of e no. of frens who remember my birthdae. They make it so memorable. I am happy enoff wif jus a simple sms. I tink it is much better than gettin nothin. As long u remember my birthdae...I am happy enoff. Haha...of cos...if u wanna give me more than tat, I wont reject u. LOL! A little prezzie + a small card + an hong bao which has blank cheque inside would b e best! Hahaha...I am greedy. Whose not?

Sumtimes...I feel tat human beings r sickening creatures. Yet...on e other hand, they can b e most wonderful creature in e world. Sickening cos they r alwaes so demanding. Alwaes not sastisfied. When u manage to sastisfy tat little desire in them...they continue to wanna more stuff. I am tired of tryin to sastisfy anyone. Got into a small arguement wif someone. Makes me wonder...is her demand too much or am I jus not good enoff? Oh well...she sort of stated how silly I am n blah blah blah. E wonderful side...was shown to me by e other person. I got to admit tat I hurt her time after time. I guess I will apologise to her soon...visitin her soon. Its funny how our relationship is...complicated I would sae. Outsiders might not understand. She change my world frm darkness to full of colours. She was there for me when I was realli down...n helpess. Listened to my frustrations...one of e best listeners I got so far.

Bad mood. :( Tomolo event...I got to give it a miss. I alwaes tis crazy idea when I watch tis tv programme --> Amazing Race. Wahaha...I wanna go for e race. Experience is e thing I wanna more than e $$! Travel ard e world to get to noe more abt tis world. I wanna to challenge myself to work wif tat partner of mine. Someone whom I wish to move a step up in our relationship. For e time being...I hav no one in mind. I realise tat pple in tis race struggle to stay together as a team due to e differences in them. I believe tis race will b able to bring relationships to a greater height! Then...my dream almost came true. I am jus a step away frm it. Unfortunately...my dream cant come true for e time being. I got to wait for e next chance. Enjoy urself peeps! ;)

Hmmm...tinkin of wat else can I blog abt...I tink I kind of addicted to bloggin. Its okie...bloggin brings no harm anywae. Not like drugs. It brings good stuff instead...better standard of england. I hope n tink so. Okie lah...its a veri long post liao. I am tired oso...of typin n doin some serious tinkin. I take an hr to blog these...tats y. Time to pen off. Tata!

~ { 12:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Messed up tots
Jus finished rushin plottin graphs on excel. Haha... Feel a little cranky. I noe there r many decisions I hav to make. Many. If onli...I can ask them to line up like pple q-ing up for stuff. E song...Let Me Die...by Nicholas Tse, makes me wanna cry. Dun even noe y I wanna cry. Jus a veri sad feelin. @ least for some songs...when I listened to them, I feel sad...I noe y I am sad. Tis one is an exceptional case. I feel veri veri confused. Alot of things goin on...even though life seems as dull as it can b, still got many stuff unsettled. Feelings is one BIG prob. How to control...how to resist tmpetations...how to express... 3 BIG prob.

Went for a tok @ NUS jus now. Hmm...I would sae abt 60% of e tok...I was like HUH?! Cos of e accent. -.-" Dun understand ah. But he gave a interestin tok...there were jokes here n there...sum can catch...sum catch no ball. LOL! Tokin abt balls...recently, my lecturers r fascinated wif this word. One of them...has a terrible accent. I am still strugglin tryin to listen to him n figure wat he is tokin abt. He will sae n sae...in his weird accent...then suddenly I will hear tis word --> testis! Well...then u will hear guys burst out laffing. I am still tryin veri hard to figure out wat e actual word he wanna sae behind tis word 'testis'. I tink e actual words are 'tat is'. Dunno ah...still tryin. LOL! I cant catch him cos I tend to daydream during his lect...its a challenge to stay awake n concentrate. When I hear pple burst out laffing...I noe wat he sae again...TESTIS! *pengz* Another lecturer...was tokin abt tis pic...got 3 balls on e pic...so he sae 'e 3 balls there...' Pple started laffing...then he sae softly 'well...I onli got 2 not 3.' Wahahaha! I wonder y my lecturers got tis sudden interest in tis particular part of e male body. If I am mischievous enoff, I will wanna ask...'Oh...is tis e hottest topic among lecturers tis week?!' Haha! Jus kiddin! I wont dare to ask tat.

Hmmm...wanna sae so much...somehow...I jus dunno how to express my confusion in words. So hard to put them into words. GRR! Issit I am jus blur or wat? Feel tat there r so many stuff tat I dunno. Lots of stuff to learn...I guess. Learn to balance between family n frens...learn to balance work n play... Hmmm...e onli glad thing is I am hav been quite punctual for my lessons for e past 2 weeks! Hardly late...:) *pat pat on my shoulder...jia you!* Wahaha... I tink I will removin e tagboard soon...since no one tags. K lah...veri veri late liao! Luckily tomolo is 11am lesson. Whee! See ya! ;)

~ { 2:23 AM }
reflections of you and me;

09 November 2005

Hmmm...continuing frm yesterdae...I mentioned abt tryin hard for sumting. In e end, e result wasnt wat u expected it to b. I once had tis experience. I tried realli hard. E result is I was so close to my desired result. I felt realli upset. Nothin could change it. I was angry back then. I dun understand y. As time goes by...lookin back now, I tink it is a blessing in disguise. As for my current situation, I am tryin hard to convince myself it is jus another blessing in disguise. Not easy actually.

Somehow...my life is fulfilling. Many times in life...I tot I would hav nothin to do to kill e time. Out of no where...sumting jus comes along n keep busy for e time being. I feel happy in tis way. Pls keep it tis way till e end of tis sem. Dunno y...I alwaes pai seh myself when I am late for tutorials. Pai seh twice todae. :( Mayb bcos I am too nervous. RELAX! I need a player which plays tis word constantly...so tat I will remember to relax. LOL!

ARGH! Pretty frustrated wif myself. I jus hav tis constant weariness within me. I feel shag everydae! Even e moment I woke up frm zzz, I still feel damn tired. Like I din sleep @ all! Oh my...I jus tink I am pig lah! It seems like I keep bumping into someone recently. I see tat person almost everydae. O_O You yuan ba...tis is how I see it. Hmmm...well...my brain is startin to hibernate. I am feelin sleepy again...time to catch some zzz. *yawns*

~ { 6:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Stuff to ponder
Sumting hit me hard todae. I realised it is time tat I set aside sum time for myself...alone...to start tinkin abt sum stuff. I feel tat I hav been too obsessed wif e recent events in my life. I 4got abt reflecting upon e things I hav done, e decisions I hav made...whether I am makin a smart one or jus makin one on an impulse. Time to step back a little and tink thru it. Haha...tats y frens would sae I tink too much. To me...it is impt to tink thru stuff. To make sure I dun make stupid decisions. Impulsive ones esp.

Somehow...my temper n mood is gettin out of control. PMS?! I dunno. Probably. See how it goes for e next few daes. If not...I got to find out wat is goin on within me tat is makin me so hot-tempered. Time to control. Patience is wearing out within me. I am losin it. RELAX...is sumting I failed terribly in. Learnin how to relax is sumting I alwaes fail to learn. Hopefully...someone will come along and step into my life and teach me how to RELAX. Haha...sounds crazy. Thank god...dun hav such a topic in my academic life. If not...I sure fail! Haha...

There is this thing within me. I asked myself...y issit tat I dun feel truly happy abt life? I am happy now...but I would not sae I feel contented. Well...I hav peaceful life for e time being at least. Not much conflicts. Hmm...I would sae a small one now n then. After all...life is never a bed of roses. I noe I am not contented. But wat is e thing tat I am not happy abt? I oso dunno. It feels weird. I noe. It has been goin on for months. Frens?! *shake head* Not an issue on tat. I am contented wif wat I hav now. Family?! *shake head* No...I feel it is good enoff. So wat is e missing piece of puzzle in my life? I seriously dunno. I tink n tink...still clueless. :( Hopefully I can find e ans soon. @ least then...I will b able to work towards it n not feel so weird.

U wanna sumting veri badly...but yet, no matter how hard u work towards it, it jus seems like u hav no luck for it? Hav u ever feel tis way?! Luck is sumting u need sumtimes. Jus a little will do. Okie...I am confusing myself. Incoherent tots.

Time flies. Everyone agrees on tat. It is comin to e end of e yr again. Tat sick feelin is gettin towards me bit by bit. I noe I will make tat stupid extra effort. But...e thing is...it makes no sense! For wat shld I make tat effort?! Cos it is pointless. Put out tat little burning fire within me.

Time to go...late liao.

~ { 12:28 AM }
reflections of you and me;

07 November 2005

Let me die
Nicholas Tse
Let Me Die

Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to midnight
Don't wake when lightning strikes

My heart for you is true
Let no one take that from you
Time is running tight
Can't change from wrong to right

So I'll close my eyes and dream a little
Just like how we used to be baby

Its time to say farewell now
No need to cry of feelings
Oh it's alright
I'll end the end of lies

Heaven grant me one last wish I beg you
Let me say these words before I go

I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can change my world from black to white
So I'll close my eyes and dream a little more

Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to midnight
Don't wake when lightning strikes

Heaven grant me one last wish I beg you
Let me say these words before I go

I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can get me straight to fight
Till the sky is burning
It's the end of time

Look ahead tomorrow
Long and winding road
Keep the faith of mine
Don't let it go
You're the only reason
That I'm growing cold
What would I do
Without you

I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can make my world so bright
Life no longer ends here with you in my heart

In my heart...

I like tis song ALOT now! Jus fell in love wif tis song a few hrs ago. Caught it on e tv. Feel tat tis song is super SAD! Hear until I wanna cry. :'( E moment I heard it...I jus love it. Man...look thru e lyrics n u will noe y I sae tis song super sad.

Jus now got come n blog...but sumhow, my webpages dun wanna load. Kind of hang. I lost everythin! Now...I lazy to blog back. Hahaha...so tis is e new stuff lah. Save ur frm those philosophies! :P Okie lah...I got 8am lesson tml! See ya! ;)

~ { 12:56 AM }
reflections of you and me;

05 November 2005

How do u noe...?!
How do u noe tat u hav let go? Is there any way to measure tat? Or is there any way u will noe tat u hav let go? I realli need an ans for tat. If there is a quiz or test or measuring equipment, I would wanna try it. (provided it is accurate) Many a times...when I tot I hav let go, actually I din. It is jus hidden @ some dark corners in me. I hav read an entry by someone...long time back...cant remember who issit. E person sae tat if u hav realli let go of sumting or someone, when u see e thing or person again, u wont feel anything. If I based it on tis theory, then I hav failed terribly. It is hidden in me. I dunno y. Mayb e time I need is longer?! But sumting within me...it has been 7 yrs! Yeah...7yrs. I would sae I wanna let it go for e past 3yrs...still I cant succeed. Issit e time I give myself is too little?! I dun tink so. 3yrs liao...how can it b too little? Or issit I am jus not decisive n determined enoff? Or issit I dunno wat to do?! Well...I tink it is definately not tis one. I noe wat shld b done...I noe it exactly. There are times in everyone's life...I believe...whereby u noe wat shld be done n wat shldnt be done. Yet, u choose to do e wrong way. I choose to do it e veri veri wrong way. I cant 4get. Teach me how to let go...teach me how to noe tat I hav let go... Sumting within me is tellin me to hang on. I dunno for wat...but it is jus a gut feeling. Tell me clearly tat there is no point in hangin on...I would rather cry my heart out then hangin on. But I need to b convinced...convince me. I am stubborn in tis way...argh.

I am lookin forward to e dae when I can clearly tell myself tat I hav let go. Then...I wont hav to lie to myself again. I tink onli then, I will b truly happy. I am happy now...cos life is pleasant. I am contented. But not truly happy...within me, there r places which need to b healed. Lying to urself is e hardest. Lying to anyone is much easier than lyin to urself. Cos u noe wat is e truth...wat is the fact...wat r false. Do u agree? Somehow...I feel tat in life, there r pple who u meet in life, whom u tink is much harder to lie to them as compared to e others. Hav u met such a person in life? Somehow...they jus seems to b able to see thru u. They jus noe tat u r lyin when u attempt to lie to them. How interesting. It alwaes amazed me as to how do they noe it! Mayb I am too easy to understand...many pple seems to b able to see thru me! Scary! :P

Hav u ever feel e pain in ur heart when u see someone u love got injured or hurt? E pain in e heart is jus a sharp pain. U experience it e moment u set ur eyes upon e person n seeing him/her being hurt. I believe tat e person whom u feel e pain for is e person u truly love and cared for. Out of no where tot...hahaha.

Recently...gan chu duo duo ah! Haha...I cant seems to type happy stuff. Instead...I end up typing philosophies n emotional entries. Haha...I wish I can find back e bo liao me soon. Wont hav so many tot provoking tots. Wont tink so much! Tink until got white hair liao! O_O Found one strand e other dae...actualli is e second one liao...cos I pluck off one e other time. Got to dye hair soon...to cover up e white hairs! Wahahah... Old liao...dun tink 2 much. Dun hav so many complicated tots. *psycho-ing myself*

Okie lah...another long entry. I am gettin more n more naggy. Opps! Haha... See ya!

~ { 12:43 AM }
reflections of you and me;

04 November 2005

Weird creatures
Sumtimes...I feel tat Human...tis creature is so weird! I am one weird one too. Saw a personalised nick on msn. "Everyone's hoping the person they like but dun like them back can be nastier to them so they can give up" Wow! Some may tink it is ridiculous! Some may tink how true. Haha...I am e siao one u may tink...I fall under e later catogory. LOL! Haha... R u one of e pple who is hoping tat e person u like but dun like u back can b nastier to u? ;)

Human...tis creature is never sastisfied. We ask for all sorts of crap. One of them is trouble. Yet...everytime when u ask a person wat does she/he wished for on his/her birthdae...Xmas...etc. They alwaes sae...smooth sailing life. Haha... How to hav one when u asked for one? Learning to b sastisfied wif wateva u hav...is not easy either. Afterall...we hav e tendency to b greedy. Greed is e little evil thing to start almost all disasters n conflicts. I realli hold high in regards to those who r able to do it. *bow*

Aching body...shag body. Yet...my mind dun wanna to rest or rather it is shag! I wish it was...then I wont hav so much tots. Haha...cos I took a nap while travellin home. Okie...I shall keep it a short one. Cos tomolo still got skool! Grr! See ya soon!

~ { 12:54 AM }
reflections of you and me;

03 November 2005

Letting go
Mayb I did...mayb I din after all. I took out e box out of e drawer again...out of curiosity. I noe e contents in e box by heart. Then...u may ask...y take it out out of curiosity?! Well...cos everytime I take it out, I feel differently. Everytime I take out e items n look @ them, a different kind of feeling. For tis time...it is no diff frm e others. I din feel as sad as I was in e past. I feel nothin @ all actually. But I feel a tingle of pain when I picked up e receipt and look @ it. E date...e time...e place. All jus came back to me. I am feelin desperate to let it go...but part of me...jus tells me to hang on...for wateva reasons...I dunno.

I never dare to tell my frens my final decision. Those who noes abt tis story. Never. Cos...most likely...another round of tellin how silly I am...how foolish I am to make tis decision...blah blah blah. I never like to explain stuff esp. when I tink it is personal. I hate it when pple start to ask me y tis n tat...when e prob is veri personal. If u dun ask me...if I trust u not to go round advertising for me...I will tell u. Trust me...I will.

E other dae...someone popped me tis qn. It goes sumhow like tis...if I will mind whether my fren can help me to attain wat I achieve in life? I told him actually understandin n support is wat I am lookin for in a frenship now. Whether or not my fren can help me or not...doesnt realli matters to me. Jus like e story above...I wonder how many pple in tis world...or rather how many frens of mine will understand my final decision n support me? Most of them will sigh when they hear it. Sigh-ing over y I still cant let it go. If u hav a fren who can understand u when no one does...support u even though e whole world disagree over ur decision, I tink u jus need one of such kind of fren. Jus one will do. It is sufficient enoff for e entire life.

I actually wanna to blog sumting abt guys n gals. But I jus lost e mood to do so. Talent. Hmmm...I realli wonder wat is e hidden talent in me? Could it b sumting I never like doin? BUT...I actually hav e talent for it?! I dunno. Tinkin of it...I am seekin high n low for it now. Where r u, talent? Tired of playin hide n seek wif it. Mayb I dun hav a talent after all. LOL! Who noes? Could it b designing? Could it b cookin? Both...I dun like. Art jus seems like it is never my forte. Havin tons of tots in my mind every nite is not helpin me. Insommia. ARGH!

It is scary to tink time jus flies! I am 18 tis yr! Oh my! Wanna sae young...not acutally veri young. Wanna sae old...no leh. 18 yrs of life...soon...workin will b sumting settling in my life. EEKS! Boring life...working is boring. It is scary u got to grow up as fast as e time flies. If onli...life is much more easier...w/o e prob of human relations...w/o e fact we hav to grow to act like an adult...

Okie okie...paiseh. Got into e siao mood of bloggin...long entry! Time to go...tomolo still need to wake up early for a game of...erm...goin to sia suay tomolo liao! LOL! See ya. ;)

~ { 1:18 AM }
reflections of you and me;