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31 October 2005

Well...I will not go on abt how skool is todae. I onli went for less than 1.5hrs. LOL! So u can imagine lah. Came back home to slack n rot. Guess wat?! I am goin to put Mondae as...E BAKIN DAE! I will come home early to bake stuff. Too bad...dun hav a digi cam or cam hp to take photos of them. Wait....cam hp is comin its way. Kekeke...

Guess wat again?! MARRYBROWN is BACK in Singapore! WoOHoO! I love Marrybrown! Anyone wanna go try?! Tis is e fastfood outlet tat make me love chicken! SO...if u r a chicken lover, all e more u shld go try it!!! I guarantee u...it is heavenly! I onli like Marrybrown's chicken btw. Dun like KFC...lolx...dunno y. Jus different in taste. Hotouch is GD!!! *thumbs up* Guess wat AGAIN?! Haha...I promise tis is e last one. I actually went to recommend Marrybrown to open more outlets in Singapore. O_O Haha...never tot I would do tat oso! Shocked someone. She tinks I am mad...hahaha. Aniwae...Marrybrown used to b in Singapore...but it went dao bi. Thank god it is back! If not...I will hav cravings for it sia. I wanna to recommend them to come Singapore to fa zhan one. E joyful thing is...they r oredi in Singapore for abt 1 month.

Okie...I tink I am quite mad...fancy crazy over chicken when pple wen ji se bian. LOL! Cos of e bird flu loh. Yet...here I am...happy over chickens! Gettin crazy over tv too...I tink I can sae 'Hi' to my specs soon! IF...I am richer...I will opt for contacts. I dun wanna wear specs again ah...though I noe I need to wear one now...but veri mafan. Time to look after my eyes. ^_^

Listenin to some sad songs now...
I wanna to load up chunks n chunks of songs lyrics sia. But it will flood my blog. I wanna change blog skin oso. But...I LAZY. Wahaha... Wanna express so much stuff...yet...it is difficult to express them sumtimes. Or rather find e rite way to do so. Doin it e wrong way will scare pple out of their lives nia. Tats y. Watchin shows doesnt help...jus let me tink more. Haiz...*bang head* I wish my brain can take a break...but it dun wanna. If e theory for dreamin is tat we r tinkin when we r sleepin, then...my brain is not restin even when I am sleepin. Cos I dream quite often. Lots of stuff.

Hmmm...time for my storybk again. Goin to return them tomolo. Till then...see u!

~ { 12:27 PM }
reflections of you and me;

29 October 2005

Deep in Tots
Insommia. Muz b I slept too much these daes. =X Dun dare to go n count e no. of hrs I spent in bed sia. :P Got tons of tots thru my mind. Many tots on my mind still.

Another emotional post? Nah...jus some tots...
Haiz... E yr is comin to an end soon...in jus another 2 more months. Not veri long actually. An entire set of memories flooded my mind. For e past 2 yrs...life is jus like a roller coaster. Up n downs...up n downs. I picked up many stuff. E hard way...mayb some of them...easy way?! Got to noe who r e ones who stand by me thru those ups n downs. Got to noe wat r important things in one's life. All I can sae is...hating is tiring n forgivin is difficult. I will not force myself to do so oso. I noe several pple kept askin me wat is goin on abt certain stuff. U noe I din wanna tok abt it. I jus kept quiet when u asked me. I will jus take it tat it was my fault on my part. My fault in not being able to differentiate who is good n who is bad. Still lousy @ it. One asked me if it is possible tat things will b fine over time...or rather we can go back to wateva it was in e past, I told him...a flat NO. After so much had happened...I dun tink I can. I dun hav such a big heart to accept n let go. If I din wanna tell u anythin when u asked me, it is bcos I dun wanna complicate things further by pullin more pple in. Not tat I hav anythin to hide. I dun wanna u to b in tis mess wif me. I am sorri...I am selfish in tis way. UNLESS...u tell me u r happy to b in tis mess wif me! LOL!

I am rushin to finish my storybook b4 I need to return them to e library. I hope I hav enoff time to finish it. =X Slow reader here. Jia you! Hopefully I dun hit e dreamland so quickly! Haha... Hmmm...jus had a msn wif someone several daes ago. Listening is impt. Tis is e conclusion after e chat. Okie...incoherent tots. :P K lah...back to my storybook. See ya!

~ { 2:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

28 October 2005

Oh well...skool is reopening soon! Jus a few more daes. :( Tinkin of it makes me feel realli sian! Sittin in lect hall listening to e info or rather..crap...tat my lecturer wanna pass on to me, is realli SIAN! E tot of Common Test comin in another 2 more months...muggin my heads off...is sickening. Tis sem...cant afford to slack too much liao. Got a goal in mind. Time to shake off those lazy bones on me. Haha...*wonders* Can I do it? Heehee...we'll see. Hmmm...there is a time for everythin. <---Sumting which I tink make sense. When e time comes...for rock n roll, (I mean playin) I play realli hard. LOL! Jus like how I enjoyed myself during e short trip. Kekeke...:P

I hav been tryin hard to find sum interesting stuff to post here. BUT...cant find. Haha...wait till I find it liao then post ba. See ya!

~ { 8:07 PM }
reflections of you and me;

25 October 2005

Yawnz...jus came back frm a holidae. Haha...sorri to those who might hav sms me n I din reply. Cos I dunno who r e ones yet. Dun hav my hp wif me still. Veri tired. Heehee...but it was a great trip after all. I din realli enjoyed myself...but I oso din realli feel bored wif it. I tink I will go for another holidae after e comin sem ends in abt Feb or March? I love a getaway frm tis busy city...to enjoy e slow pace of life in other places. :P

Currently quite disgusted wif guys. HAHA! Cos of sumting tat jus happened not long ago. Jus cant imagine y some guys can b so... Of cos...there r realli nice ones out there too! ;) Haiz...life is so unpredictable...jus wish for e best for tonite. I hope everythin will turn out fine. (although I noe it wont b...a war is comin...) Adults affairs r so complicated...not within our control...yet can b veri dispressin to everyone ard. Jus simply put it as one statement...human relations/relationships r so complicated n it SUX!

Okie lah...I wanna rest somemore! Veri shag...physically. See ya!

~ { 11:39 AM }
reflections of you and me;

21 October 2005

Hiyee! I am back to blog again. Hmmm...was surfin ard frenster, out of curiosity...went to check out on some pple's frenster. I guess I no longer feel tat little bit of hurt anymore. I am gettin numb. Realli numb. Wait n wait n wait...I am jus waiting for e dae when sumting BIG happens. When will it come? 1 week later? 1 yr later? Or 10 yrs later? It is sumting not within my control...but I am jus hopin n hopin.

Aniwae...I hav finished my storybook long long time ago. Now on e second one. I am takin my own sweet time...not consistent in readin e book...tats y so slow loh. I took 2 daes to finish e other one. :P Bleahx... I will try to finish it b4 I hav to return it to e library. ;)

I am currently...officially JOBLESS! AHHH! I hate tat! No $$$ means I cant go shoppin so happily anymore. Got to worry abt $$$. Bleahx...wishin for e dae when I can proclaim I am not jobless to come quickly! Hmmm...durin tis period of time...got to spent much much lesser. Lookin for a new job...more jobs oso. :P $_$ *eyes gliters wif e tot $$* Haha... I still remember I was lied to someone who wanna me to invest in some plans. I told her tat I might quit my job. Now...not tat I quit...but my student went overseas for 2 whole months! *faints* Me n my foul mouth... Now no income...onli got 'outcome'. LOL! I mean...u see...in = $$ comin into ur pocket...out = $$ goin out of ur pocket. Hence...'outcome' is e opposite of income loh! Hahaha...lame.

Okie lah...abit hungry liao...time to dig for food again! See ya~~~

~ { 4:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;

19 October 2005

I jus woke up frm a emotional dream not long ago. I asked myself tis qn jus now...'When will I ever get over it?' E ans is...'Never.' How nice. I hate havin such dreams. Makes me feel emotional n sad e entire dae. Now...as I was packin my stuff. I chance upon a photo. Memories jus came back to me. All kinds of it...many many. So many tat I can write a long essay over here. I dunno y I jus cant jump over it. Tis hurdle is jus too tall...way too tall...much taller than me. I cant even climb over it. Mayb I make a wrong decision abt 1.5yrs ago. E yr is comin to an end again. Lookin ard...hopin to see sumting...searchin ard crowds... Another several months of emotional ride. Sigh. I am suppose to b happy n excited now...cos in jus a few daes time, sumting exciting is goin to happen. Sumhow...I jus cant smile. I am torn apart. Between...seeing or not seeing again.

Skip tis if u dun wanna read some philosophy...:P
I alwaes believe tat in life...sum stuff happens for a reason. E reason behind is alwaes good. But it is never easy to understand e reason behind it. U can onli see e reason after e event is blown over...after u r cool enoff to look @ it again. It oso depends on how u view it. I oso believe tat in life...there is no such thing as dead end. I believe there is alwaes a way...but u might not see @ tat tune. Mayb blind by sum stuff... There will alwaes b guardian angels ard too. Hmmm...of cos, u dun identify them rite away. Cos u cant possibly see e ring above their heads n e pair of wings on their backs! LOL! But I believe tat they will come n help u when e time is rite...stetchin out their hands to pull u up b4 u drop into e endless pit. I personally met one. They may not appear as 'nice' as u hope them to b. Some may come n give u a big big scoldin. @ tat time...u might tink...'ARGH! Tis person is sickening! Totally dun understand me!' E list of curse n swear goes on. But when u step back a step...n went on further to find out e reason behind those scoldings...u may come to realise tat e person is not as bad as wat u tot who he/she is. Hence...I wanna thank e guardian angels who has been ard me to help me. I might hav misunderstood ur intentions. I jus wanna sae 'sorri' n 'thank you'!

Heehee...emotional me blogs one whole lot of funny stuff. Pardon me. Tat happens when I feel emotional. :( Tats all for now...back to my personal blog to update! Long time never update liao! Till then...see ya!

~ { 2:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

13 October 2005

No title?
Hmmm... Jus received some news abt some stuff yesterdae. Makes me ponder whether I shld I go for it anot. *ponders* I cant b bothered abt alot stuff. Tired. Jus cant b bothered anymore. If u see me givin u bo chup attitude, I am jus tired of caring over such stuff. Hence...wateva rubbish u r goin to give me is not goin to affect me anymore. I am gettin immuned. If it upsets u...or u r expectin to see me feelin depressed, I am sorri to tell u tat u r goin to b disappointed. I guess my message is veri clear here...to all those who wanna see me crumple so much. U noe who u r.

I am gettin excited abt graduating n workin. Haha...sounds crazy...I noe. Cos everyone who works...tells me it is horrible to work. Studyin is still e best. I noe. But e $$ is e motivating thing. My 'wants' is gettin longer. Sigh. Greed. :P My spendin is gettin more n more terrible. I cant seems to stop spendin. Even if I hav a pay rise now, I dun tink I will b able to save much $$. Shoppin kills.

Many qns goin on in my mind now. Many 'shld I or shld I not'. Life is never easy...learning to b numb to certain stuff in life, I believe is part n parcel of life. I hate my timetable e comin sem. Eeks. There r 2 daes which I will end onli @ 6pm! Fridae esp! Darn! Okie...I shall not grumble anymore. ;)

Ehhh...time to go for dinner! See ya!

~ { 7:25 PM }
reflections of you and me;

12 October 2005

I am now readin a storybook! O_O Shockin huh? Readin 'Naked in Death' by Nora Roberts. Interesting book! Somehow tis book makes me glued to it. Haha...surprise surprise! Not many books can do so though. I get sick of them pretty soon. I hate readin.

I am officially crazy abt a show. Heehee...I nearly wanna pasted my eyes on e tv screen. Haha... I jus love e story. But abit too draggy. One scene can take up to 10 mins! Too drag liao lah. Haha...muz go borrow e whole set frm someone n watch it sia! I missed e first part. Goin to end liao. ;)

Was havin some small toks wif my frens these daes. Am I changin or e world ard me is changin? Or both e world n I r changin? Confused. Mayb I din change much...pple ard me r tellin me tat I did change. One sae in character...one sae in dressing...so wat else? Wat else did I change? I am curious to noe. Tell me if u noe k? Tag me!

Well...tis post is been edited. I tot tat I din wanna to put too much personal views in here. Dun wanna kena stupid stuff again. So...I edited most of it. Haha...e original copy...I saved it as draft. :P

PS: If u dun understand my lousy england, I can onli sae I tryin hard to polish it up now...:P Somehow...my standard dropped drastically over e holidaes. *shake head*

~ { 3:14 PM }
reflections of you and me;

10 October 2005

Boring Life
Boring. Tats e word to describe my life. Eat, sleep, play... These 3 processes seems to b repeatin itself in my life now. Haha... Any ideas for me? Tinkin of many stuff. Feelin FAT! Cos I do nothin useful to burn those fats away! I am way too lazy to start exercising! Haha...n I realise tat once u start it, u cant stop it. Cos once u stop, u will gain back wat u lost n some extra weight oso! I wanna lose 3kg! Issit alot? E number seems small...but it is damn diffcult to jus lose 1kg! :( Haha...guess I muz look for someone who loves sports n enthusiastic enoff to motivate me to go do workout. LOL! Okie lah...I shall pen off here. Back to tv...haha... TV addict! See ya!

~ { 7:10 PM }
reflections of you and me;

07 October 2005

Million of tots
Haha...I am back again. I hav tons of tots now. Got back my results...dropped drastically! Haiz...disappointed. My GPA dropped alot!!! But I still hit 3 though. Barely hit it. I was disappointed for some of my modules sia. Haiz...nothin I can do now. No point cryin over spilled milk. Time 2 buck up n plan my time well. E thing tat leads to my lousy results tis time is poor management of time. I miscounted my weeks! DARN!

Another week jus passed by like tat. I wanna do sumting useful in my life. Haha...I hav a crazy idea though. As to wat it is...I will put it up when e time is rite. Haha...*secret* Hmmm...I tink it is not veri useful though...but @ least it helps me to kill time. Haha.

I jus realised tat my england is goin downhill. It is gettin more n more worst! I dunno y. :( I cant speak in proper england sentences. Alwaes using e wrong vocab! Creating a joke out of tat! My goodness! Y like tat? Haiz. My blur-ness is officially BACK! I declare it is back to haunt me again. LOL! Haha... I had a horrible incident todae. LOL! Realli BLUR sia. Haha...I shall not elaborate to sia suay myself further. If u noe me well...u will noe tat how blur I am. :P Okie lah...tats all for now. I am on e phone now. Will b back soon. See ya!

~ { 11:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;

04 October 2005

2 more daes!!! Then my results will b released! Wahahaha...I am feelin excited over it. On e other hand, I am oso feelin scared! Haha...I wonder how many 'A's, 'B's and 'C's I will b gettin sia. All e best to myself. Hmmm...I am startin to feel tat I am losing touch wif e world outside. I seems to b in my 'hole'. Haha...I oso dunno y I feel so. No worries. I will get out of my 'hole' soon.

Aniwae...sumting happened which reassures my decision abt sumting. Sumting scary! Scared me out of my wits. My soul literally jumped out. *screams* E incident is still sort of haunting me till now. Haiz...jus hope tat I will feel better soon. I am more n more determined not to go for it anymore. It was a struggle on Mon. I was quite torn apart. But I hav made up my mind. Sorri to disappoint anyone out there. :)

Okie...I am bored again. Tummy haven been reali nice to me todae. Feelin e ache now. Haiz...wanna me to go visit e toilet I guess. Here is a lame joke to share wif ur...

A: Wanna come for e party?
B: Huh? Wat party?
A: Jus a noraml party...to hang out n hav fun!
B: Okie...but let me tink abt it.
A: Aiyah...jus go for it man! Dun like tat lah...give me sum face can?
B: Sure! U wanna face? I will ask 'mian bao chao ren de' prof who makes a face for him everydae to make one FACE for u!

Hahaha...jus a LAME joke! U like it? LOL! I will pen off here...see ya!

~ { 3:42 PM }
reflections of you and me;

01 October 2005

*ahem* I ripped tis off one of my fren's blog. Haha...I noe abt copyright. :P But I personally tink it is veri interesting n I was noddin my head continuously as I read it. Haha... Jus hope tat my fren wont mind... So...here it is...

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she
isn't crying, it means she's crying in her

2. When she ignores you after you've done
something wrong, it's best to give her a tight
hug no matter how she struggles away. no matter
whether she's crying or not. just a tight hug
she cant escape from.

3. never tell the girl what you REALLY like
about your "crush" on another girl just to get
her jealous, it'll only give her the impression
that your not interested. and its pissing at

4. A girl can't find anything to hate about the
guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for
her to 'get over him'after the relationship's
over.) but honestly, she cant find anything to
like about the guy too.(which is why she will
only notice it when he's gone)

5. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on
her mind, even though she flirts with other

6. When the guy she likes smiles and stares
deep into her eyes, she will melt. well,
actually, her face will burn.

7. If you really like a girl, dont tell her. she
will know. but be sure to make the first move
when u get the signal.

8. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually
is not sure how to react to them.

9. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very
often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes
her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go
easy on the smiles and stare ok?

10. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break
it to her gently.

11. If a girl starts avoiding you after you
reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you
still treat her as a friend, talk to her. you
have to talk to her. or she'll hate you i bet.

12. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel.
Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways
of expressing themselves (which explains why
most girls like writing journals).

13. Never tell a girl that she is useless in any

14. Girls might sound uninterested when you ask
her to be your girlfriend, it's their way of
playing hard to get, she doesn't want to seem
too available.So don't give up.

15. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

16. When the guy she likes calls her for the
first time, the girl may act uninterested during
the call. But as soon as the phone is back on
the hook, she will whoop with joy and
immediately start telephoning her friends to
spread the news.

17. A smile means a lot to a girl.

18. If you like a girl, try making friends with
her first. Let her get to know you.

19. If a girl says she can't go out with you,

20. But if she still calls you or expect a call
from you, stay.

21. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask

22. Hearing the words "I love you" is security
in knowing the girl has ur heart.

23. After a girl falls in love with a guy,
she'll wonder why she never noticed him

24. If you need tips on how to flirt with a
girl,read romance stories.

25. When class pictures come out, a girl
would first check who is standing next to her
crush before actually looking at herself.

26. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her
memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her

27. Girls love having fun!

28. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

29. A girl's best friends usually know best
what she is feeling and going through.

30. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to
them just to get close to their 'prettier'

31. Most girls would wait for the guys to make
the first 'move', so guys DON'T hold back.

32.Love means devotion, caring and happiness to
a girl, in that order.

33.Some girls care about looks, some care
about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will
love and care for them.

34.Girls want nothing more than to feel loved

35.never ignore her. or scold her.IF U DO, GO

Wahahah...so wat do u tink??? If u r a gal...do u agree wif it? Haha...but I tink e last one...abit too extreme. Ignoring or scoldin someone...sumtimes...is for e good of tat person. Haha...tats how I view it. Dun u tink it is interesting? PS: Guys...it helps u rite? LOL! Okie lah...I will end here for e time being. I will b back veri veri soon! Stay tune! (sounds like I am hostin a programme! Haha...can go join e 'Chao Ji Zhu Chi Ren' liao! :P)

~ { 10:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;