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30 September 2005

Here to add another entry. Jus realised e lyrics for Mr Lonely is sort of wrong. Haha...tats based on my hearing skills. I cant b bothered to change either. Lazy. Hmm...here is a paragraph to my fren...

Hey! Jus wanna tell ya...I noe u r tryin veri hard to convince me. I can sense it. I dun tink I will change my stand for e time being. Hmm...I am jus a stubborn person. So pai seh. I feel better writting things down...rather than thru Msn or sms. I tink I can express myself better. U wanna me to tell u...I cant do it. Dunno y. I jus hav tis expressing myself prob. Not tat I dun wanna visit ur...or wat, I will do it if time allows. I realli enjoy myself in e time spent wif ur. I am oso in my journey to search for e concrete reason. *headache* I cant explain y I feel so uncomfortable whenever I attend it. How comfortable I feel plays a major part in my life. It is jus a feelin which I myself cant describe or explain. I jus cant pin point y oso. I am sorri I cant explain y to ya. Cos I myself oso dun understand y I feel tat way. Wait till I feel tat I understand more to e many whys...I will explain to u. I promise. Tats all for now. Hope to see ya soon. :)

Haiz...I muz b born to write than tok. Tokin is jus not my forte. But my parents dun tink so. Haha...cos they tink I can jus tok n tok for a long long time.Tats onli when I wanna disturb pple. Or I jus wanna rant my messed up tots. How comfortable I feel oso plays a part. So wat abt me tokin to my frens? Sumtimes can...sumtimes cant. Depends on my mood. I prefer to write. I hav more time to process my tots. Put it nicely b4 sendin it out. Heehee... Weird rite? Or u oso prefer writtin than tokin?

Hmmm...many messed up tots for now. But I definately will b back to update u more. Pretty soon...I guess. Haha... Till then, see ya!

~ { 10:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

29 September 2005

Wahahah...I am back for e 2nd post of e dae. I am sort of inspired to blog abt sum stuff. Haha... I used to admire pple who can voice out their tots so well...so eloquently...so profound...so got e 'jia shi'. Wah...I will practically look @ e person in admiration. Haha...cos I cant do it mah. Wahaha! Dun hav e 'jia shi' (I believe I dun hav...UNLESS u provoke me bad enoff! I might hav a little when I am provoked enoff...esp. in a quarrel). Cant speak eloquently...I will repeat myself sumtimes. :( Tats bad. Profound? Well...tat I tink is based on language 'powder'! Haha...dun b mistaken...I purposely put e word 'powder' instead of 'power'. Quite a big portion of it. Sumtimes can...sumtimes cant. Dunno y oso. Strange.

Hmm...I am actually inspired to blog some chim stuff...or rather some chim-minology (i tink e spellin like wrong sia...heck it lah) stuff. Haha... BUT...on e second tot, I dun wanna kena caught. Like e other 2 poor fellows who got caught bcos of wat they blog. I oso dun wanna experience wat I hav experienced preciously. I dun wanna to face those pple again over e same issue. It jus... Grr... So...chim stuff? Haha..leave it to my personal blog.

Oh yah! I came across a blog. I personally tink tat is a good blog. So...wat do I mean by tat? Haha...let me explain further. *ahem* *clear my throat* (pls clap! prof. givin speech!) Wahaha... I read thru e blog...abt 80% of e blog is tokin abt tis person's tots. Not abt wat he/she did for tat dae...who he/she went out wif. For such blogs...I find it 'qian pian yi lu'. Haha...I am one of e guilty party. I will try not to touch on such topics. Unless I run out of them. I like his/her blog. Too bad...tis person long long time never blog liao. Sumhow...I feel tat I learnt sum stuff from him/her. Veri inspiring. I got inspired to look @ life in a different angle...given my situation now. Onli can hope tat e person will blog again soon. Dun give up bloggin! Haha...like anyone will noe who in tis world I am tokin abt. Lolx.

Okie lah...its time for me to pen off again. See ya! :)

~ { 11:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Jus another dae
Well...jus another dae passed. Horrible dae though. Cos I hav a veri veri bad stomach cramp jus now. I nearly wanna faint inside e toilet. Pain until I cant tahan at all sia. Now much better. Sorri friend...wanna tok to ya one. But too pain...need to rest on e bed n zzz. Now...e pain like comin back again. Man...I tink I need to take painkillers again. Haiz...

Last nite...couldnt realli get to zzz. Cos my fren post me a qn. Makes me tink n tink. :P Another fren...e other time oso post me a qn. Haha...oso makes me tink n tink. Haiz...next time dun post me qns in e nite. Well...here is e qn my fren post me e other time. Will u let e person u like alot go or keep him/her by ur side? (knowing tat he din like ya) Haha...wat a qn. Dun ask me y my fren ask me such a qn...I oso dunno.

Todae...pass quite quickly...cos I spent most of e time zzz n tryin to bear e pain. So...time jus flies. Haha...wat a way. Okie lah...time to go watch tv. See ya!

~ { 7:11 PM }
reflections of you and me;

28 September 2005

Oh well...
Haha...I am back once again. I tink I can blog like 5 times a dae. All short entries...w/o much tots. Well...supposed to b rubbish w/o personal stuff. I dun wanna get into another round of stupid quarrels over stupid stuff. It waste my time n spoils my health --> make u angry...bad for health. Haha...smile more! Sumting shockin tat a fren told me. He alwaes 'Haiz' n 'sianz' on Msn. Suddenly, one dae, when it is my turn to 'Haiz' n 'sianz' on Msn, he told me to smile more. Lolx. I tink he has straighten out his tinkin. GOOD! Happy for him sia. Jia you! Lala...let me flood abit...lalalala...

Hmmm...when u feel lonely, go listen to e song Akon - Lonely!!! Wahahaa...makes u feel more lonely! Lolx. But a cute song. Lonely...I'm Mr Lonely... I hav nobody... For my own. Ohhh... I'm so lonely...I'm Mr Lonely... I hav nobody...all on my own. Ohhh... I'm so lonely... Whahahaa...e rap part...is cool!

Wat r ur temptations? Over a guy/gal? Over $$ or materialistic stuff? Over food? Over being notti --> stayin out late or running away frm home? (veri popular these daes) Haha... Wat abt me? I wanna...tis...tat...those...them... (fill in e blanks urself) Okie lah...shall end here...back to my personal blog... :)

~ { 12:55 AM }
reflections of you and me;

27 September 2005

Here to rot again... Haiz...tink I dun hav e mood to go gym liao. LOL! Sian 1/2. Lalala... I am so bored tat I am watchin CARTOON now! E programmes in the morning is horrible. Lousy! I feel like goin out...but dunno go where n do wat. Alot suggested readin books. Nah...I onli 'like' to read books when exams r comin. Other than tat...no thanks. Aiyah...I tink I go pig for afternoon lah. Haha...sleepy....yawnz! See ya!

~ { 12:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

GreaT DaE...
Had a great time todae. Cos I spent my time outside. I mean I went shoppin wif mum. At least not @ home rottin again. But tomolo...will most likely b a dae I will end up @ home rottin. Mayb go gym? Hmm...see how lah. Went shoppin @ Bishan...drop by to sae 'HI' to frens who worked there. Haha...I envy them sia! Got job...wont b like me...so bo liao. Wat else? Eh...basically tats sums up wat I did todae. But time flies...tats good!!! Happy tat it flies rather than crawls. Quite alot of pple there...even though it is a week dae n it is not skool holidaes for many skools.

Oh yah...saw Leon frm Superstar todae. Haha... Saw Sebastian frm Superstar oso @ Bugis e other dae. Lolx. So qiao! Hard to bump into someone u noe...it takes lots of luck. Or rather...fate. Tryin to source for interestin things to put here...if not, will b veri boring. I cant crap n crap btw. Runnin out of topics to crap...more personal stuff...ask me for e blog add. I onli got to noe my crappin power after a test tat I took months ago. Tat paper was realli crappy...I jus crap n crap. LOL! Din noe I can crap. Haha...

*scratch head for topics to crap n kill time* HA! Here is a veri nice song...

Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here

[Verse 1]
It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...

If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

[Verse 2]
Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...

[Bridge 2]
My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

[Bridge 3]
Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

~ { 12:22 AM }
reflections of you and me;

26 September 2005

Whee! I aM BACK!
Wahaha...well...I am realli bored!!! No job...so sian to b rottin away my time away @ home. So decided to crap here... Will b changin e blog skin soon...(I hope!) Oso need to find a nice one...haiz...long time never play wif html liao...so will take sum time.

Aniwae...tis owl here still cant sleep @ tis 'early' hr. Biological clock timing set wrongly. Haiz...me n wif some pathetic lookin emoticons on my msn. Cos I jus went to change e hard disk of my lappy AGAIN! Yeah...2nd time. Darn...lost all my emoticons! Luckily din lose my chat logs n pics tis time. If not...*bang against e wall*

Jus went for family gathering...boring. Well...abit incoherent huh...cos tis blog is to kill time...crap...tok rubbish. Of cos...rubbish will b incoherent lah...if not, not rubbish liao. Wont hav personal stuff n views...facts after facts nia...learnt my lesson e hard way. Eh...okie lah...kill enoff time...time to pack up n try to get to sleep. Will b back to crap veri soon! (too bo liao...cos holidaes now! :P )

~ { 4:07 PM }
reflections of you and me;